Reviews for Stand By Me
Lmppsc chapter 9 . 4/8
not going to lie very disappointed. I love the story but how can you up in the description that its a slow burner when they really never get together. Like come on. Makes me very ugh.
uwuwuwu chapter 9 . 3/23

You should totally add a scene in the next chapter where Prompto is sitting on a hill, watching the sunset fall and Noctis joins him, they should both apologize to each other and confess their love 33
But that would cause a problem for Lunafreya. Perhaps Noctis could consult with his father and conversate with his father how Noct should be able to CHOOSE to marry on who he loves 33
ElemisEmiya chapter 9 . 3/10
Is there no more? I NEED MORE...very good story...I feel like you captured the boys perfectly
Guest chapter 9 . 2/16
Kaffdebaff chapter 9 . 8/24/2019
Omggg pleaseeee update this story, I absolutely LOVE it. It's so well written, I can genuinely visualise everything as I read, and man is it great! Please don't leave those two little lovebirds hanging
TheMissingSpiral chapter 9 . 5/4/2019
OMG This story is so hot and well written. I NEEEEEED MORE!
ItsALifeToLiveIn chapter 9 . 3/12/2019
Okay, so... obviously it's been a year since this was updated and y'all're probably not coming back but. If y'all've got, like, an outline of how this drama would continue, I mean, and if y'all didn't mind.. maybe drop by my dms, sate my curiosity? I think my heart broke a little when I reached the end here and these boys hadn't gotten themselves sorted, not like I didn't know going in that this piece was unfinished but I couldn't help hoping...
MikoGoddess chapter 9 . 3/1/2019
I love this so much. Mama Ignis made me stop and put my phone down to just laugh for a moment. The characters are written so well I can easily hear their voices as they speak, even in their very uncharacteristic moments :)

I hope you guys have gotten through all your life things. And if so I would certainly love to see this epic piece of writing through. So tragic to have it cut off with that glimmer of hope peaking through!
StardustZero chapter 9 . 2/19/2019
Can you please continue this? It is fantastic
Charlie Benzine chapter 9 . 9/4/2018
This is by far my favorite FFXV story ever! Can't wait for the next chapter! 3
FFKing1140 chapter 9 . 8/18/2018
the story finally got to as far as Ive been in the game, but I want more! those two need to just do the do so they feel better
Thesailorpluto chapter 1 . 7/3/2018
This story is amazing. Please continue im not sure how much more I can take. Ugh I just love them together.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/30/2018
Please oh please don't stop here! This is so good! Wanna know how it ends so badly! Lots of love and encouragement, you two are great!
Shirohimesstories chapter 9 . 6/23/2018
YOU! YOU TWO! you tore my heart apart xD i love this fanfiction omg I have binge read this today and holy fucking shit I need more x'D please tell me you haventdropped this fic yet because i think if you did im going to fucking cry xD
You nailed prompto and noctis so well Im fucking screaming from love for them omg ! and the sotry- god the story- my heart- you wkilled me xD in so many chapters xD
the heartache is fucking incredible- omg
you are so freaking talented i swear, not only the story, but the writing itself is just so amazing- everything you described was so vividly projected in my mind and god dmanit the feelings- you bring them across so well- Im sowy if my english is failing me but this fic is just too great to describe omg
i love you for writing this- and hate you for the heartache its hurting omfg xD
but i still love you and the story xD
So please please tell meh you will update this one day xD I can wait forever but I need to know that this fic isnt discontinued or forgotten or something or Im gonna die lmao xD
Seriously Im so amazed by this story I cant even- I shall return tomorrow morning and leave reviews on every single chap o this story because I fucking love it this much omg 3
thank you precious cookies for writing this gosh- you destroyed my heart but hell it was worth it xD
Guest chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
Wow this story is amazing! I can't wait for the next update!
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