Reviews for The Broken Throne
Anonymous1511 chapter 26 . 8/1
Man! What a ride! I read this story in one fell swoop, it was that riveting. That's why I didn't even stop to review this. You really should publish this story. You are a very talented writer. Off to go and enjoy the last part of this adventure!
myadryk89 chapter 26 . 3/4
This second parte was wild! So intense and stressfull from the very begining. Wow! I never hated a character as much as Braun, but then there is aIso Victoria that is irrevocable evil now. Such a shock to know she was the one that sent to kill little Edward. So many deaths as well, I desperately wanted Leonore, Claudine and Jasper to live. They all ended their lives in shuch tragic and brutal ways. I was truly surprised when his potential death wasn't stopped, that no one stepped in to saved him. Many moment in the story left me wide awake at night, just reliving the moments in my mind, that's how excellent this story is. I really hope that Renne lives in the final part of this amazing story, she has lost the love of her life in an awful way, I think she deserves to live a happy ever after with her Bella. I can't wait to see what will happen with Bella and Edward, and how things will come to conclusion.
Thank you for writing and sharing this mind-blowing story with us, you make feel all kinds of emotions. You're truly wonderful.
blb1000 chapter 26 . 1/11
I hope there's a tunnel that takes them far away from the palace. Otherwise, I can't see how they can outrun the guards... Horses maybe...
blb1000 chapter 25 . 1/11
Glad he revealed himself to Jasper. If Jazz becomes another head on a stake outside the palace, at least he knows someone is left to battle Victoria.
blb1000 chapter 24 . 1/10
Hmpf! Traitors abound.
blb1000 chapter 21 . 1/10
Alas, the reason she wanted to be alone in the chapel days before.
blb1000 chapter 19 . 1/10
The fool could have married her in Spain or Italy, but no, they had to rush "home."
blb1000 chapter 18 . 1/10
They finally are together and could go anywhere. I can't believe they are back to the pit of Wessport.
blb1000 chapter 16 . 1/9
At first I thought maybe he had the yellow eyes, until B saw their green through his mask.
blb1000 chapter 15 . 1/9
Hoping B picks up the knife and kills the bastard.
blb1000 chapter 14 . 1/9
blb1000 chapter 13 . 1/9
Whew! I can finally breathe again.
blb1000 chapter 12 . 1/9
blb1000 chapter 9 . 1/8
Kinda surprised the haven't attempted to teach Jacob to at least dog paddle or float on his back.
blb1000 chapter 7 . 1/6
This is even more complicated, with 3 story lines to follow. Whew!
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