Reviews for In Another Life XII
manang3112 chapter 26 . 7/7/2019
This is awesome. You are awesome! Keep it up!
Kaede chapter 26 . 4/7/2018
I wonder if it did not cross your mind once in the world where the villains are the heroes I do not know if you see it in the league of justice where lex lutor escapes to the dimension of batman asking for help hay a different joker I do not know if it would be interesting to see that side of the story and if you know a harly for how things are that I imagine she would also be something else without a psychiatrist maybe in this world she is a gymnast but it would be interesting to see in another life as they had been their relationship not as villains if not as heroes where the Buo was the one who threw it to the chemists to give a lesson to the clown that the world was not right
anon chapter 22 . 9/17/2017
kinda sad the assistants are dead. They were kinda great for one off characters.
Guest chapter 26 . 8/14/2017
Writing ideas: Joker and Harley stranded on an island after a narrow escape from the Batman.

Harley Quinn and Joker staying over at Ivy's while Falcone places a hit on them both. The catch? Harley has retreated to the safe haven under the pretense that her Mistah J kicked her out again, knowing that Ivy would never willingly allow Joker back into her home after the last time.
Guest chapter 26 . 8/14/2017
Really good ending! I loved it! I can't wait for your next story! Could you possibly do a J.J and Ivy story? The couple is so interesting
jokerwho chapter 26 . 8/12/2017
*claps* This chapter is so poetic - especially the ending. 12/10! Best story yet!
TeamRocketRose-Rachel chapter 26 . 8/12/2017
Another stellar installment to this series! Your writing never fails to draw me in. I honestly feel like I'm reading a comic or watching an episode of the animated series. Your idea of using the Grayson's was creative and a really fun take on our clown princes origin. I could just imagine the Joker speaking in chapter 25. You also write Harley so well in every aspect. I wish you would write for her comic line as I miss classic Harley so much! This review got very long, but once again fantastic work! I look forward to whatever you write next :)
amy chapter 25 . 8/12/2017
this got really dark really fast
jokerwho chapter 24 . 8/7/2017
And here we have a prime example of Brucie getting it all wrong thinking Harley is an idiot because she's in love with J-man! XD
Can't wait for the action in the next chapter!
Guest chapter 23 . 8/4/2017
Why do I feel like Joker is bringing young Dick Grayson to he and Harley's ho-ho-home now?

I'm getting serious Return of The Joker vibes
jokerwho chapter 23 . 8/3/2017
Holy crap! I wasn't expecting this chapter to be so freaking good! The reference to Arkham Knight and Return of the Joker!
Update soon, please!
fireninjafox chapter 22 . 7/31/2017
Wow back from the dead
Letsgetschwifty chapter 22 . 7/29/2017
Amazing chapter as always, I love your writing style so much. Also, I have this fan theory that Joker loves Rick and Morty. With its blatant nihilism and disregard for han life and values, it seems like the kinda thing he would find humor in, what do you think?
jokerwho chapter 22 . 7/26/2017
This chapter took me by surprise. I didn't expect the cops to find the Joker's body and send it to the morgue. It's brilliant, though!
Suit of Storms chapter 22 . 7/26/2017
Wow. The scene where they do the autopsy on Jack made me wish that you worked for DC, because I would give anything to see that fully animated and voiced by Mark Hamill. You're truly amazing.
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