Reviews for Mixed Signals
Guest chapter 65 . 7/21/2017
Oh girl, this is so sad. Life changes in a moment. You're amazing, thanks for writing and using our favorite guys, to create magic.
Guest chapter 65 . 7/21/2017
I've been to funerals and I don't think I've ever cried this much before like NOOO WHYYY THEY DIDNT EVEN GET TO MARRIAGE YET
Guest chapter 65 . 7/21/2017
Omg that was unexpected. Good job that was a great chapter. Intrigued to know how everyone dealt with it. Update plz
bouille2501 chapter 65 . 7/21/2017
I think punk is alive and someone paid the doctor to tell he's dead but i hope you go with punk losing his memories and forget everything and everyone rather than an undercover thing(working in a gym in milwaukee lol). AJ working on that case for the past 4 years non stop for the man of life will find something that he might be alive not like your other storie where he leaves to protect his son.
Ana chapter 65 . 7/21/2017
Why are you so cruel? On warning there is no deception, right? This is an absolute twist of emotions, I did not see it coming. I hope he is not dead, I really hope so.
J.J. Brooks chapter 65 . 7/21/2017
Why why why! I'm crying
Guest chapter 64 . 7/20/2017
Punk and Dean moment, make me laugh so hard... Thanks for this.
Guest chapter 64 . 7/20/2017
Nice chapter. Update plz
Guest chapter 63 . 7/19/2017
Nice work. Enjoying this a lot
Guest chapter 63 . 7/19/2017
Bittersweet chapter, thanks for this.
Guest chapter 62 . 7/17/2017
Oooh. His mum is back. Intrigued to find out what happens next. Update plz.
Guest chapter 62 . 7/17/2017
Oh wait. His mother is back, what will he bring into his hands? Thank you for this.
Guest chapter 61 . 7/17/2017
Will they one day marry? Probably this is the story where they have been slow to do it... lol are such wonderful parents with Nova and their healthy and loving relationship is wonderful.
Guest chapter 61 . 7/17/2017
As much as I don't want it to happen, I got a feeling that the guy who attempted to rape that woman, will go for aj
Guest chapter 60 . 7/16/2017
Great chapter. Update plz
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