Reviews for This Wasn't Supposed To Happen
Guest chapter 2 . 6/30/2019
Wow I was not expecting that
UnknownUserFound chapter 21 . 2/19/2018
hahaha, I read this 2 years ago and 2 years now I just finished it and wow
Guest chapter 21 . 10/27/2017
Fuck yes a sequel would be amazing. This story was fucking riveting
DetectiveKyle chapter 11 . 7/17/2017
The day Ms. Paint became a badass
UnknownUserFound chapter 9 . 7/13/2017
love how karkat broke the 4th wall. and its really good! keep up the good work!
UnknownUserFound chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
ahh soo. good. and listen to thr mom friend was the best comment i've reaf
UnknownUserFound chapter 4 . 6/27/2017
Hope this gets updatedv soon! its really good!