Reviews for Strong and Submissive
Guest chapter 1 . 11/19/2018
I know that you are no longer on this site, but I just had random and weird thought and had to send it. Do you know those fanfics where the characters watch their shows or read their books? What if someone did that for fifty shades? How weird would that be? Although it would be hiliarious to see Grace's reaction to Elena.
eville23 chapter 1 . 11/13/2018
I'm sorry to hear about your mishaps love your writing though
DoctorWhoArrow chapter 1 . 5/23/2018
I was wanting to read your stories... Where can I read them. I'm really sorry about the trolling.
Fan chapter 1 . 5/6/2018
I'm so very sorry that you have been pushed into making this decision although I completely understand your reasons. I have only just found your stories and consider myself lucky to have read them before they are removed. They are so well-written and engaging, as well as giving a real insight into a way of life that is unfamiliar to me. Thank you so much for sharing. I cannot comprehend what makes people post nasty, uneducated reviews. How many times have they been warned - if you don't like the subject matter, don't read it! Surely that's simple enough even for their tiny, narrow minds?! Please keep writing. All the best. J x
Guest chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
You could always put it on a03. I think they require people to sign in to comment
LdyNyx chapter 1 . 5/5/2018
I'm really sorry this has happened to you too... It's been a massacre lately, every other day I get an email saying that another talented writer, like yourself, is leaving this site because of bullies and nut jobs of all kinds.
I really enjoyed all of your stories and I hope to be able to read Strong and Submissive, and Stronger Together again on another site. I also wish you all the best of luck with Ember, I just finished reading it and I found it amazing! I hope you'll be able to publish it!
my-completeness chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
I am so sorry to hear you have had such a hard time. I have loved your writing since Bones and was so please when yoh also wrote FSOG.

Please let me know where you start to post so I can follow :)
ms.ladyaries08 chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
Sorry to here that everyone is a thug over the internet stuff they would never say to your face
Emma chapter 1 . 5/4/2018
You can repost it on archive of our own, there is the choice to disable anonymous comments as well as making your story only possible to be read if you are logged on
Penny Sweatman chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Please please let us know where you go. I have enjoyed all your stories and would love to continue reading them. All I can say is that some people feel that it is necessary to knock others to make themselves feel better. There’s nothing you can do about others but say a prayer for them. I wish you the best of luck and will continue to enjoy your writing.
Dseiladmnd chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
So sorry to hear that this is going on. Thank you
CassieN chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
I'm so sorry you feel the need to leave. Standing strong for your art is difficult. Please let us know where you'll be because you're definitely worth following.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
This is the second author leaving in a very short time because of bullies, I'm sad but it's the best decision and I hope you'll share a link for your new site.
amethystprincess chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Please can we have this story in pdf? Please do not give up. Just started reading this story.
BlahBlahVampireEmergencyBlah chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
Only just discovered your stories and am loving your writing. So sorry to hear that you have been hassled. Just don't understand why people do this. Am only half way through S&S, just started it after having found Ember. Would love a PDF if you gave any.
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