Reviews for Into That Good Night
YaaasssHayffie chapter 17 . 7/1
Haymitch’s angle is the same one I keep up at school. Sarcastic asshole.
YaaasssHayffie chapter 13 . 6/30
Yaaay the smut! XD
...quarantine is messing with my head
YaaasssHayffie chapter 1 . 6/28
Beautiful, two thumbs up ;)
fryzyz chapter 9 . 5/19
this chapter was fucking incredible to read. the pacing is so well done. this entire novel is great but this chapter...i had to leave a comment. so amazing!
Rue91 chapter 60 . 4/8
I loved this fic! simply fantastic!

I took me a while to comment on it and I have so many questions! I might return in a couple of days to read it again.

I hope one day we could have an one-shot on how Peeta and Effie took on Katniss' death (I am quarantined, i need something good to read)
Rue91 chapter 30 . 4/5
Wait What!
Guest chapter 60 . 1/20
Oh my god. So it turned out that the first time I read this I didn’t make it to the end (which was absolutely nothing to do with the fic because I loved what I read the first time as well- I’m pretty sure I was just so overwhelmed with writing my thesis over the summer of 2018 that I did absolutely nothing else ahhaha) but honestly this is absolutely one of the top three fics I’ve ever read, if not my actual favourite to be honest!

I think my favourite part (which granted is about a quarter of the whole fic) is after the quell when they’ve publicly confirmed their relationship. It was really cool to see how their characters unfolded and I could really see it being true to canon (also it’s always nice to see haymitch being all in with caring about effie). And I loved her becoming a stylist! I totally think it fits for her character and honestly i was so happy for her getting to live that out in comparison to canon. It was really interesting to read everything with her having to leave the games as well - it totally did feel like the end of an era - and I can definitely see her weaselling her way back in as a stylist!

Truly I’ve gotten so attached to these ‘sliding doors’ versions of all the characters that part of me doesnt want to go back to canon! Finishing this feels like when youve watched a tv show to the last episode and then you catch a snippet of season one and it feels super strange. I feel like I want to read fanfics about this fanfic hahahha.

But really, I totally have the weird ‘dont know what to do with myself’ feeling that you get after reading a really good book and honestly I think you wrapped this fic up better than the actual hunger games trilogy was. I’m fairly sure you put more thought into some of these characters than Collins did and it definitely shows in the outcome because the versions of characters in your fic were so well fleshed out in a way that, to be frank, Collins didn’t bother to do. I don’t know what the controversy around this fic was (given that I’m a year and a half late to the party ahhha) but I think it worked really well as a slightly more matured and more adult version of the hunger games. If I could list this as one of my top ten favorite books of all time, I absolutely would.
Guest chapter 56 . 1/17
Effie was totally due for a breakdown. I loved it
Guest chapter 54 . 1/16
Sorry but this smut is SO FUCKING GOOD! All the sex in this fic has been so well written
Guest chapter 53 . 1/16
The fight between haymitch and peeta was SO GOOD! Your writing was incredible
Guest chapter 51 . 1/15
I’m always amazed by how well you capture what I can only assume haymitch and effies sex life would be like - even in this kind of situation where they’re fully committed to each other. Another phenominal chapter
Guest chapter 50 . 1/15
Yesssss! I was wholeheartedly on effies side throughout this whole thing. I loved it.
Guest chapter 49 . 1/15
Im living for every fuckin word oh my god
Guest chapter 48 . 1/14
honestly I think I’m more invested in this fic than I was the actual hunger games books
Guest chapter 44 . 1/14
I really liked this chapter! You did such a good job of creating characters from the Capitol that weren’t games related! It was really cool to read!
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