Reviews for Starlight, Star Bright
Guest chapter 16 . 2m
Very Swampeh chapter 16 . 1h
OHHHHHHHH you weren't kidding about it kicking off this chapter. I don't even know how to articulate anything past a stream of exclamation marks in my head. You do such a good chapter with the dialogue and keeping everyone in character, despite the situation. And that cliffhanger!

"I'm going to go to the stupid festival if it kills me", No! Ed you gotta stop that!
Ashleyrocker112299 chapter 16 . 5h
No Ed! Please be okay! I’m not ready for him to die!
wardenprincess chapter 16 . 5h
Oh my goodness! I was like what if Ed dies before whatever Mustang is planning and then the story was like there is no pulse! And I’m just like aaaaaaah! I am so hooked on this story!
Zangetsu50 chapter 16 . 6h
Whats funny is that i was literally reading again the previous chapter last nightand after i finished i thought "wonder when the next chapter is next?" XD
This chapter was sad and peaceful. Honestly im ok if he does die. Nothing wrong with character death as long as its done right. The way this fic has been done has been amazing. So ed passing away surrounded by his loved ones is an ok ending with me. Frankly im hoping for it XD
Mildly.nerdy chapter 16 . 6h

Star light star bright finally made its appearance and...

Roy, you bastard, get your shit together.
Id9916 chapter 15 . 8/24
W- what do you mean, things are getting worse in the next chapter? Haven't we reached the lowest point already?
But on the chapter: I love how everyone is so good at making everything seem so normal, like Roy never blinks an eye to changing Ed's shirt multiple times (at least, he is good at not showing it). In this way, Ed doesn't have to go through the ulterior humiliation of seeing their pity.
The wedding was very sweet, and I particularly appreciated the fact that Ed was helped standing up, both because it's good for his pride, and also because it's symbolic thay Roy is again the one dragging him up from a weelchair, and Al has always been Ed's pillar through their journey.
Yes, all in all I loved this chapter, as always! Thank you so much for writing and sharing it, and until next time!
4everPercy chapter 8 . 8/21
Ok so I absolutely did not plan on crying about this fic but dam, did this hit close to home. I understand how Alphonse feels, seeing someone so strong be reduced to... someone who needed help to even sit up. I watched them push through every day even if they could barely keep their eyes open because of the pain for me. And that’s how I see Ed in this fic too.

I know that he wants to live but at the same time, I feel as if he’s only pushing through because of his brother as stated in this chapter and having watched my Grandma do that for months before my mom finally promised her that we’d be fine without her, that she should just rest. I feel; as morbid as it sounds, that letting Ed die having said his piece to those he love while he can still see them, interact with them is the best mercy anyone could offer rather than having to let them see you waste away till you inevitable die while fighting it. It may sound like giving up yes but in the end, at least Ed won’t be in pain anymore because God knows how much pain he’s been in in this story.

Also: sorry for the long-a*s rant, this story just be hitting dam close to home
TheySpellAlice chapter 15 . 8/17
This was so sweet and perfect-ESPECIALLY THE AUTOMAIL RINGS-and I am not ready for whatever destruction you're about to lay on us next. The bit about Ed wanting to stand on his own legs-but acknowledging that he'd always had support, especially from Winry?! DID YOU HEAR ME YELLING TRIUMPHANTLY FROM CANADA? BECAUSE THAT WAS ME!

Thoughts and prayers for your remaining appliances, and I'm, uh. Excited to learn how I will be emotionally destroyed by the next chapter.
DrakiraDormiens chapter 15 . 8/10
Wow I’ve read this fic 3 times in the last week, no joke. Amazing job!
kaoruca chapter 15 . 8/5
It's an agony. I'm glad they're married, but everything is so sad... I'm desolate there is no cure
Chirpo chapter 15 . 8/5
Absolutely wonderful chapter. It was so sweet and fluffy and amazing. I couldn't read fast enough and then was sad when I realized I'd finished the chapter. :(

I loved the character interactions in this one. Thanks for posting. I cannot wait to read more!
AriTheDoggo chapter 15 . 8/2
I rarely cry, but with every chapter of this story I come closer to sobbing :')

"He'd called it pink yesterday, and Al had proceeded to introduce him to the nuances of color spectrum." I laughed a good deal at this. I was immediately reminded of the many debates I've had with my siblings. That car was NOT gray, it was a dull sage green and no one can tell me otherwise.

Even with all the angst and heartbroken-ness this story offers, there's still HUMOR, and it's not forced onto the reader or driven into the ground. It's subtle, it doesn't break the immersion, but it's still there, and it's still hilarious! I'm laughing one second while trying not to cry the next. It HURTS, but it's oddly healing somehow to feel such a wide range of emotions? I don't know how to use words. Your skill in manipulating emotions will never cease to amaze me.

OF COURSE Edward insisted on standing up for his own wedding, even when he's down a leg. He's Ed, he won't rest when he's dead! The portrayal of Ed and Mustang's relationship is gorgeous. I think you got it right on the money. And that last scene with Winry! Ah, my poor heart can't take this. It manages to be adorable and soul shattering at the same time!

Man, you have the worst luck when it comes to appliances. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you can find a good replacement for a reasonable price. If your dryer goes out, I'll be completely convinced that there is someone out to get your appliances.

Ahhh, I can't wait for the next chapter! Well, I can, but you get what I mean. Keep up the great work! :D
SachaSacha chapter 15 . 8/1
I'm prepared for the falling apart! Bring it on! But that was a very nice chapter, fluff is nice once in a while :)
December-the-6th chapter 15 . 8/1
As much as I like all the angst it does feel good to catch a break with some well written fluff
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