Reviews for Break Out, Break Down
Kittyfan12 chapter 1 . 3/5
I stinkin’ love this! I resonate with Lance so much in this. I mean, I dob’t Have claustrophobia or anything, but the panic attack thing was familiar. I just love when people take scenes from shows and expand on them in ways like this. One of my favorite kinds of fanfics to read, honestly. Anywhosen, thank you for the fantastic read!


“You don’t have to BE the best. You just have to DO your best.”
daisysakura chapter 1 . 11/5/2018
Poor Lance but great story.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/25/2018
It's so well written i can't stop to give Us some more of these kinds of stories?
RobinTheLivingShadow chapter 1 . 7/19/2018
Omg my heart. This fanfic was so good I ended up fangirling for 15 minutes straight. I've never considered that Lance could be claustrophobic ever since that incident. This fanfic is definitely an eye opener.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
Lance is 17 and Pidge is 15. Idk how old Hunk is but I'd assume the same age as Lance.
Queeny chapter 1 . 7/4/2018
God DAMN IT. This is the second fic in a row that someone writes about Lance being in a similar situation that I've been in. *shaking* I know your pain buddy. I've been forced into a tight space too and I'm claustrophobic. I panicked and ended up screaming at the top of my lungs for someone to help me and let me out. It was traumatizing. I almost passed out too, I was shaking and crying hysterically when my someone found me. I was so focused on the terror of the situation that I don't even remember who did it to me, nevermind who my hero was.
Pluviophile15 chapter 1 . 2/25/2018
Awww that was cute
JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 10/20/2017
I love the premise of this story! It plays out quite realistically. Everyone is in character with their actions and dialogue. Your storytelling is really masterful!

Notes on grammar:
~ "keep it to the next level" sounds like a combination of two opposite phrases. Does Coran mean they wanted to keep it at a lower, easier level?
~ "still breath" should be "still breathe"
~ "laughter" is a plural noun, so "a hysterical laughter" doesn't make sense grammatically. "a hysterical laugh" would work, or using a unit or sound "of hysterical laughter"
~ "chocking" should be "choking"
~ The order of some words got switched: "his felt chest" should be "his chest felt"
~ "that" would work better in "this experience again"
~ "talking directing" should be "talking directly"
~ "that" should replace "this" for "in the airlock like this"
~ "hasn't change" should be "hasn't changed"
~ I think this was just a typo: "is" should be "it" in "unimportant is looks"
~ I think "each other's back" should be "each other's backs" because together they have more than one
EmotionalDreamer101 chapter 1 . 10/10/2017
Omg, that was brilliant! I loved this so much, that was beautiful, I hadn't thought about that episode like that, I knew that it was so close with how Keith was right there to save him, but if Keith hadn't been there to save Lance, he really would have died, that makes perfect sense for him to have claustrophobia from that :'( poor Lance, that was amazingly written and I love everyone's concern for Lance, especially the great way that Shiro comforted him, poor Lance. And everyone was so nice to him, I especially loved how gentle Coran was to Lance, that was beautiful. And it was really great how even Keith was so sympathetic and apologized for calling him a baby. God I love this, that was a great read and brilliantly written, thank you so much for writing this masterpiece, this was so sweet and emotionally moving, not even Lance really knew how much it had affected him until he was in the training pod. I can't even express just how much I love this, this was just so well written, got this is brilliant and underrated, you should have so many more reviews then this.
WraithFaithUnstable chapter 1 . 7/8/2017
*thumbs up*
IcyPanther chapter 1 . 7/3/2017
Awww! I just want to give Lance the biggest hug. Move over, Shiro, Icy needs a turn.

I have the same head-canon of the claustrophobia and really love how you portrayed his reaction to it. It's just like Lance to still try the task even though he's scared and I love all the subtle clues he gave about not feeling comfortable about it that the team didn't realize until hindsight.

I really liked Shiro's comments at the end that no matter how silly they may think a fear is, it is not. A good life lesson for all of us to take note of and then make sure we don't give anyone a hard time over a phobia that we think is ridiculous.

Thanks for sharing!
booklover55186 chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
Hi there! I just wanted to say, I really enjoyed this story, it was really good! I really loved reading it!
But I also wanted to give you a suggestion that I got from an idea I had while I was reading it.
So, if Lance's trauma started with the cryopod, then went along with the airlock, and he was afraid during the training session because the small pods were like the cryopods, then does that mean he's afraid of the cryopods? And then that question just made an idea in my mind of: what if during a mission, Lance got injured but was still mostly conscious, so when they got back from the mission and tried to put him in a cryopod, he freaked out? I don't know if that's much of a good suggestion, but I think it would be an interesting one-shot. But, I dunno. It was just an idea that popped up in my mind, but anyway, thank you for the wonderful story! :)
Hoseki13 chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
this is so good. i've always wondered if Lance would develop a phobia or something after that and the family fluff after that was soooo fluffy! although i'm a bit dissatisfied with the sudden end, it is still a good story. thank you for writing!
Melancholy's Sunshine chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
We'll I'd have been scared too if what Lance went through happened to me. Nicely done.