Reviews for Chocolate Selection Box
Guest chapter 84 . 9/1
Usually I don' t read one-shots but I was caught by yours.
They are brilliant. I enjoyed every single word. Read extra carefully and slowly and never did rush through just to get the main plot.
Most of them left a smile on my face, but there was one which made me giggle the whole day.
It was the one in which a tiny Flora mirrored Caroline's gestures when annoyed on Christmas I think and later Caroline got up and unconciously coppied Flora's behaviour prompting every one in the room to burst into tears of laugher.
Thanks for posting.
Guest chapter 30 . 8/16
Reading your wonderful stories again and this particular one is so sad when we know that Caroline couldn’t keep Kate safe
Guest chapter 30 . 8/16
Guest chapter 79 . 7/7
I’m reading all of your terrific stories again.
I really miss your amazingly heartfelt stories. I just wish you could find the time to write more Caroline and Kate adventures
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6
Please please please please can you add some new chapters? This is genius.
KW chapter 1 . 4/29
Is there anything out there that will make you want to write again?
KW chapter 84 . 11/24/2019
Why do I think there may be a Christmas surprise with some new stories soon? Could you have said so at some time? I've just re-read this lovely chapter and am now hoping I'm not crazy.
Ckfan chapter 1 . 11/13/2019
This is an utter masterpiece! You're a gifted writer.
Particularly great with drama and tension.
Please consider for next edition:
Flora's first period
Flora's first crush and kiss with a boy
Kate or Caroline have difficult period and one or both have an affair - one ends up accidentally falling in love with someone else, then after much pain they reunite
Flora first sleeps with a boy.
A second child - full story
Guest chapter 56 . 11/6/2019
Cb 56 (((( loving this sweet one ))) on a cuddly warm nov . Morning
Caroline and Kate what delightful manic you bring to these 2 ️
Guest chapter 29 . 11/4/2019
This one is just heart healingly beautiful what we all wish for total acceptance
Guest chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
You and your wonderful stories are truly missed. Excellent writing! Please give us more!
Guest chapter 84 . 5/3/2019
So wonderful, Another re-read.
You are a brilliant writer.
Arapera Sharples chapter 84 . 4/5/2019
Loving this ... just found this latedt chapter
Diane chapter 84 . 2/7/2019
Dear Dr. Lancaster, Thank you for writing these 84 glorious chapters of Caroline and Kate. Please keep creating stories about these beloved characters who are real to so many of us. Warmly, Diane
accrossthepond chapter 84 . 12/21/2018
Happy Holidays! Thanks for continuing this timeless love story!
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