Reviews for Revived
Legion29 chapter 46 . 8/31
I loved this so much that rather than sleeping i read this.
Number13teen chapter 46 . 8/19
Ryan is on a warpath, I actually find it pretty metal. For some reason I didn't expect the Mega Stones. Mainly in most of the fics I've read it like NEVER happens, but I'm glad it will happen eventually for Aggron!
Glad to hear you're done with physical therapy! Keep up the great work!
Number13teen chapter 45 . 8/19
Congrats on your 3 year anniversary of the story! Just wanted to say I've been following this story for a long time and I love it! I appreciate how you went for an older protagonist from less privileged life, even having a Zigzagoon as a partner. As well as being like the only story I've ever read that takes place in Hoenn, I love other stories, but they all take place in Kanto and rotate between the same couple cities. Your story is a breath of fresh air and I can't wait to see what happens next!
Number13teen chapter 44 . 8/19
When Ryan mentioned he couldn't catch Shadow Pokemon I am now really curious if he will ever get a Snag Machine.
Shadow of a Rising Knife chapter 45 . 7/2
Great story! I really enjoy the characters and having Winona be a MC is really cool and unique. I really hope to see Latias soon since Ryan has worked so much and it would be awesome to see them reunite. Maybe Latias could join Ryan as well?

Anyways, hopes aside, this Chapter was really interesting and I think the marbles they found were mega stones, which explains Sableyes reaction to the one marble, IDK tho.
Number13teen chapter 43 . 3/19
Glad to hear PT is almost done! Ryan certainly had a meltdown. A trainer shouldn't use Pokemon to settle their emotional outbursts without being willing to get down and dirty himself. So I can respect him for attempting at least. Hopefully things smooth over.
Number13teen chapter 42 . 3/19
Happy birthday Ryan!
gimmyjibbs chapter 42 . 2/19
Number13teen chapter 41 . 1/11
Is it time for a training montage? Great chapter as always!
Shadow of a Rising Knife chapter 41 . 12/29/2019
Really enjoying this story and the writing style. the MC's Pokemon are all nicely fleshed out and the relationship building with Winona is really progressing nicely and I am eager to read more as they seem well matched together. Hopefully we get to see Latias soon! (Hopefully before the league finals)
The Jagdpanther chapter 29 . 12/25/2019
Small correction, Tate is the one who uses Solrock while Liza uses Lunatone. Still a good chapter and glad to see he got a water type finally.
The Jagdpanther chapter 23 . 12/24/2019
I don't know if it gets rectified later on, but I'm confused why he doesn't train his Pokemon much. He battles quite a bit, but if he knows the enemy is strong shouldn't he be training his butt off so he can get Latias back?
MissBraixen chapter 40 . 11/29/2019
Take care of yourself.
We can wait as long as needed.
Number13teen chapter 40 . 11/28/2019
It’s been awhile since I’ve last checked an update but I’m so sorry to hear, but it’s good to know that you’re going to be healing nicely. Best of luck!
On a lighter note, how would Ryan feel about the Galarian Zigzagoon line?
Meister Fallon chapter 40 . 10/30/2019
I hope you're feeling a bit better 3 I understand if you need to take more breaks from writing, so no need to worry about that. Sending good vibes your way ~~~~~
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