Reviews for They match?
Stormglass chapter 1 . 8/2/2017
Dude below my review take a chill pill. The story is a great one. How about you send some kind words for once. If all you do is harp on the author you will discourage them and them you won't have a story to read. I personally enjoy the story quite a are doing a fantastic job Author hun
XaoOfTheMists chapter 2 . 7/19/2017
Again, you seem to miss a large majority of the capitalization of sentences and names, you really need to work on that. Again I recommend you fix the both this and the first chapter, put in the correct capitalization (as well as some missing punctuation) before you post your next chapter.
XaoOfTheMists chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
Needs work, you've missed most of the capitalization of names and a few of the necessary punctuation. I recommend working on that before posting the next chapter. That said, its still well written and interesting sounding.
emokiLH chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
very cute! I'd love to read more!