Reviews for PJ: A Diancie Tale
Guest chapter 4 . 6/13/2019
Will you continue with this story? Are you also going to do the other two movies? It seems like it could be really well written movie with Drake and Ash’s aura. Please continue.
ReverseWorld34 chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
Someone stole your story... this one to be exact.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/30/2017
it seems the egg is going to take a very long time to hatch soon, but great job on this amourshipping chapter dude. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
Tenzalucard123 chapter 4 . 7/29/2017
Progress as in the movie, well I kill these 2 fics you know?
Guest chapter 3 . 7/22/2017
oh boy it seems that things are really getting curious, yet i wonder when the egg is gong to hatch? great job dude. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
TheShapeH31 chapter 3 . 7/21/2017
Another good chapter and I think I know why Diancie is missing, As for Serena's egg I already submitted my 2 suggestions and now I lean more towards the elegant one. As for starters...

The Kanto Starters are out sine Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor have them.
The Johto Starters I dunno. Ash has a Bayleef and Quilava, Dawn also has a Quilava and Feraligtr doesn't really fit Serena.

Hoenn Starters - Sawyer is already running around with a Sceptile and May has a Blaziken. Mudkip didn't really get a lot of attention due to Brock fading into the background during AG.

Sinnoh Starters - I'd say these guys are out. I don't think either the Infernape or Torterra line fit Serena and Piplup made a name for itself because of Dawn.

Unova Starters - I don't think these guys fit either.
Kalos Starters - EVERYONE in the group has one, so no need for duplicates (Barring one suggestion maybe)

I see some people suggest Popplio and that is the choice starter for Alola I would choose for Serena but you mentioned "No Fairy, Fire, Fighting-Types" and Primarina is a Fairy-Type (Assuming it evolves).

They're not a lot of starters I see fitting Serena aside from Pikachu, Eevee, and Popplio. I suggested Pikachu and while that is a Pokémon I'd like to see Serena have in the canon, I'm kind of backing away from that idea for the story (You know why ;]), Eevee was caught before reaching Anistar City, and Popplio was mentioned as a "Performing Pokémon" before Gen 7 was released. However for a Popplio to appear in the middle of Gen 6, I dunno but it's your story. I stand by the elegant bird.
Heracross0122 chapter 3 . 7/21/2017
good chapter, can't wait to see the next update in the main story. Will you be doing the same for the Hoopa movie?

As for a starter suggestion, how about Snivy or Popplio
Tenzalucard123 chapter 3 . 7/21/2017
What do you think, a Snivy or a Mudkip?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/15/2017
hmm i must say that this chapter is short but its getting there, still your really doing great on these amourshipping fanfics dude ;) i hope we all get to see serena and ash get married together in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. we all will remain amourshippers and we all will continue to support amourshipping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshippers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
TheShapeH31 chapter 2 . 7/15/2017
I'm JUST now finding out about this story and so far so good! M17 is one of my favorite Pokémon regardless of the negativity it seems to get from the fanbase. Yeah it isn't the best, but it certainly is a lot of fun and Diancie is a character that I found to be really easy to like. Part me expected Astrid to mention Alain and she was practicing using Mega Evolution to beat him in a possible rematch. While reading this story I was honestly curious is this before or after Ash and Serena began dating, but then I remember this movie happened sometime after they began dating but apparently they aren't as...intimate with each other here as they are in the main story since they only just started dating and are still getting used to the idea of being in a relationship. Regardless like I said, so far so good. Diancie's character is pretty much the same as it was in the movie with her being playful, sweet, and a little naïve "Wow a magician! Would you please do a magic trick? I failed to see the joy in that trick.." HA! Oh Diancie, you're so naïve XD! Anyway good story so far! Can't wait to see what comes next! I gave a suggestion for Serena's egg in the review for the main story I posted.
Tenzalucard123 chapter 2 . 7/13/2017
Yeah Yeah!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
it does indeed look shorter but it seems like your doing well i guess. good job on this impressive chapter dude. i hope we all get to see serena and ash meet again and get married together as a couple in the future as husband and wife in the pokemon series and beyond. we all will remain amourshippers and we all will continue to support amourshiping for all time. as a fellow amourshipper i have this to say to you and to all my fellow amourshipers around the globe who support amourshipping, amourshipper and proud, remember that dudes and dudettes and keep up the good serenaandashshipping work dude.
St Elmo's Fire chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
This belongs in the Anime world. Find your story under "Manage Stories" and select it from the dropdown menu that says "World: Any" in the "Category" section.

You wouldn’t capitalize animal or mouse or dragon, so you shouldn’t capitalize words like pokemon or pikachu or charizard. The only time you should capitalize it is if you’re using it as the pokemon’s name, ie, Ash’s pikachu is called Pikachu. This is because you only capitalize when it’s a proper noun, which are the names of places or things. Similar reasoning should be applied to any other words you’re thinking of capitalizing, like telephone or trainer. Or professor. Before you message me about this, please look at fanfiction (d o t) net/topic/11834/55376155/1/Capitalization-Thread to make sure your argument hasn't already been addressed.

You need to make spaces after commas.


It's “a lot”, two words.

Titling chapters in the story itself looks kinda weird; the dropdown menu should suffice.

You're formatting dialogue incorrectly. Dialogue is written as ["Hello," she said] or ["Hello!" she said], never ["Hello." She said] or ["Hello", she said] or ["Hello" she said]. This is because dialogue and speech tags are considered to be part of the same sentence, so they have to flow together. The only exception to this is if the next sentence doesn't contain a speech verb. In that case, the second part iis/i considered a separate sentence, so it's written as ["Hello." She grinned], never ["Hello," she grinned]. Note that something isn't a speech verb just because it's a sound you make with your mouth, so generally stuff like "laughed" or "giggled" is in the second category. (“Speak” is also not a speech verb.) Furthermore, if you're breaking up two complete sentences it's ["Hi," she said. "This is it."] not ["Hi," she said, "this is it."] or ["Hi," she said "this is it."] And if you're breaking up a sentence in the middle, it's ["Hi. This," she said, "is it."] The same punctuation and capitalization rules apply to thoughts, except you don't use quotation marks (or single quotes) with thoughts. This is because quotation marks for thoughts make it look like your characters are talking out loud, which is confusing to the reader.

[Reminder: if any of you have any suggestions on what Serena's egg should be in the main story,please PM me your suggestions as it'll help me make a list.]

Something this important should be planned in advance. Interactivity is also banned on this site.
Tenzalucard123 chapter 1 . 7/11/2017
The movie Started not? I wonder how they react to seeing Diancie, by the way here Ash and Serena are already a couple, right? And with respect to the Egg that you think a Togepi?