Reviews for Between the Darkness and Dawn
Guest chapter 24 . 1/24
Было прикольно, спасибо за ваш труд.
Goldielover chapter 24 . 12/4/2017
Thank you for completing this story. Definitely a bitter sweet ending for Carlisle.
Goldielover chapter 16 . 10/2/2017
Thanks for the update. Wonder how long before Carlisle finds out where she is, and before she regains her lost memories.
YourAlphaWolf chapter 15 . 9/25/2017
I'm enjoying this
Goldielover chapter 15 . 9/25/2017
Thanks for the update.

Well, she certainly did go off the deep end with all those killings. And poor Carlisle, with her not recognizing him. Hopefully she will end up getting back together with him at some point, although with the way she is going at this point I do wonder.

Will look forward to seeing what happens next.
FanOfPiPercy chapter 14 . 9/14/2017
Please update soon!
Adela chapter 13 . 9/11/2017
Love it the chapter
Guest chapter 13 . 9/11/2017
U better have in the next chapter were lea wakes up. It's so frustrating to read more and lea not be woke up yet becoming a vampire and have Carlisle being like he is. Please update soon.
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 12 . 9/8/2017
Nice chap
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 11 . 9/4/2017
So how did tge doctors not k ow she was pregnant when they were trying to save her?
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 10 . 8/31/2017
Nice chap
Debbie Hicks chapter 10 . 8/30/2017
Teeth not human toxic then kidnapped b ut used for medical reseasch then it spread then it gon e too wrong the wom an who scream ed then it really happen ed you b roke this rule b y lawe Who are you tell m e herself scream ed the pain then ten seconds left then drain ed then suddenly herself was chan ging into a Slayer by Dawn Read Spier then with the kidn apped with as all had b een turn ed with Bella Swan who was a newborn Vampire slayer all of them drained then Volturi found them drained then who sired as all Isab ella sstop n ewborns stop get her with her you broke this law what law death then Executed her with them with Len ore had a power from healing an d rebirth Murdered with both three then with bitten kids suddenly Lenore b it Claire Young then you there our m asters sent us then b lacking out then suddenly scream ing then chain ed of her crim es with the newborns Let them go we can't you broke our rule Cullens then execution of them screams was heard then heads torn off then Killedb y Felix then with her with a Imm ortal child thrown with them then with Immortal children then Extinct then b lown resurrected then herself screaming of the change so they then Wiped out both then With witnesses then too late cam e too late Blazing with im prints so his im printy then b lown from bodies as all c harred b ring them then it was too late brought here reported they turn ed kids in to lethal weapons who turned her un kn own b ut heals we rid of the father with her resurrected of her powers b ut Exploded b ring the accused here they stan d trial are Sentenced to death of more donated kids aged with them had eight followed them are found guilty of this crim es is Death good then then they hhad them Blazingfrom life to death rid of them then Chained with their scream s then Executed from here torn from here into as all of pieces then were Snapped from here b rought them but it was too late brought them here too late killed for as all of them but it really happen ed m ore guards with their looks skins and as all of them blown apart their young had reported she is not human with them but rid of them are reincarnated by her gift emerged with their powers are deceased good wax them then suddenly too late their bones were charred into a lot of poisonous wax with three then were aged far too much many more but it happen ed Purplish flames then nothingness was left then it with dead pets then too late cam e too late they delivered each to fam ilies grieved of the loss of their kids killed by Volturi now they reawaken ed too soon they had gained a cursed lifestyle was Immortality was b itter one then it happened the bodies were still into wax motionless b ut departed n ow Exploded from here then real purplish flames we dclare they are not alive are buried here good now the funeral is set then it was too late they were unable to cross ov er then Bella thumped then heard the screen Alice what is happen ed i placed this c hannel then herself wire a Clow necklace then entered a most powerful trance the voice was not her own then chanted very carefully but smoother words O' Key of Clow Surrender the wand RELEASE! Then a blaring light was so powerful then it really happen ed shattering a truest energy then BETAZED CRYSTAL POWER! MAKE-UP! Then the as all of them remem b ered then yelling their plan etary calls then herself letting loose a Trilling Xena Warrior princess's war cry sounding like her more sharper then Posed Guarding Betazed the planet of telepathy the soldier of the min d and soul Allow me to DROWN YOU! Nagatrash SUPER SAILOR BETAZED IS RESURRECTED FROM THE CRYSTAL M ILLENNIUM IS HERE! BLINK We shall Right wrongs and triumphs over evil that's mean s YOU! Dang we are what reincarn ated yes down here oh what a beautfiul cat no time here it comes the lun ar min d m eld then it really happen ed they were from the 30th c entury then it was too late they gotten their mem ories of their m urder then it happened they tried again then glowing fdinally then Blown freely then it really happened to her Guided by Betazed the plan et of the mind Guarding of the soul the pretty guatdian in a sailor fuku SUPER SAILOR BETAZED IS HERE! BLINK! Cracked from here real golden tiaras mess with us you'r sushi daimons we have to fight and slay these creatures that they were in fact true sailor soldiers with kn ights then it really happened they advan ced their true sailor training had to learn from them then herself was more advanced then Crackedfreely now a very low coven-pack followed Surak's teaching then bodies were brought they reported they hail from the 30th cventury reincarn ated with them are dead good then it was too late now departed now they gain ed from their previous lives they desided to wear From the anime from as all of packed both merged turn ed into their undercover clothes they claimed to be from Ministery of Hades they were in fact Shimigani were grim reapers of deceased people they look if alive then suddenly a very mystrious phone call a Voice sounded really Asian Bring these newest Shimigani HERE NOW! yikes cool it Chief watch your ton e of voice guys our boss! it's Konone Misaki oh muy god no way Bree yes that's me now what we wait Commander listen it's a funeral you three out of that sleeping bags we died b ut resurrecected as Shimigani it is grim reaper in Japanese no way folks that was it Momma mia he was very tall and muscular was furious Ack! guys Sam Jake wake your two sister can't we died crap oh my god Dad is sobbing over the loss of us with us both that was it they returned the kids wailed Waah! Darla Paul yeah we crossed over oh my god you IDIOT! Ack watch on these robes we died jerk Help! there she was watching the kids of eight children Alice the sign what is it SOLD! Our home that's right n ever b elonged here crap then they becam e guardians of death by force thennow too late the homes sold they moved to South Carolina in grief they were lured to their deaths b y boat now they killed them joined them into death but were as all of them were from around the world killed no lon ger hum an s but as all with both next were as all cats dogs barking at the Vulcan women Strom Victoria had puppies so they as all from around the world with more both oh no he shuddered in horror of the size of him Extremely muscular gulp he was frightened of him greetings welcome aboard gladly that news of them joining forces.
Mrs. VampDiva Belikov chapter 10 . 8/29/2017
What if it is Lenore then why does it seem like Carlisle doesn't know her?

Great chapter

Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 9 . 8/26/2017
Adela chapter 9 . 8/25/2017
Love it
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