Reviews for Another Way Out Of The Darkness
Forbidden Moons chapter 1 . 7/10
This is absorbing!
Noel 23 chapter 10 . 4/24
I would love to see the ending of the trial and to see more interaction between Kahn and Kati. I was very impressed by the details in Kati's testimony. If there is any writers block, I would suggest reading/watching the older versions of star trek and/or jury shows to inspire. Hope to revisit this story:)
GalacticHalfling chapter 10 . 10/24/2019
Wow, great story. Believable characters. One thing I like especially is how Kati and Khan are not bad people, yet you manage to show that their minds and emotions work differently from normal humans.
Only part in the story that over which I stumbled a bit is the fact that they let two students who haven't even finished their second year of law studies work on the biggest case of the century. But I also get that it's necessary for this story to work - and considering that it's a different society from today costumes on that front may be different in the 24th century.
Celestial Alignment chapter 10 . 8/7/2019
Finally read this chapter (sorry it took me so long!) I laughed way too hard at the joke about Kirk being too used to being tied up at the headboard of a bed. We all know it's true. But omg, I was really hoping that she could get Jim on her side, but for a moment there, I didn't think it would happen!

Kati is so calculating and logical, she feels like a female Spock without the moral compass. I can see why Kirk might be inclined to side with her! Something familiar. And is this going the romance route..? Can't wait to see!

Pike's death has got to be a hard pill for Jim to swallow though. Khan killing him for what he considers the greater good is a really, really hard thing to justify and come out smelling like roses. Then again, who wants a Khan who's squeaky clean? Can't wait for the next installment!
Junesun chapter 10 . 8/4/2019
Please come back! This story is amazing and we‘ve been on this cliffhanger for almost two months!

Love from Germany
Ravenclaw Slytherin chapter 10 . 6/15/2019
I LOVE THIS STORY! Update soon!
Sassiebone chapter 10 . 6/13/2019
I keep thinking that there are other Augments out there other than Khan and Kati...perhaps Marla had Khan's child? Now that would really complicate things.

As always...loving this story. Thanks.
Kat chapter 10 . 6/13/2019
Loved this chapter! See, Kirk can be reasoned with, you just sometimes have to take extreme measures to get into his thick head.
XRaiderV1 chapter 10 . 6/13/2019
well done.
athousandroses chapter 9 . 6/12/2019
Gah! Cliffhanger! Great chapter! This fic is amazing! Please update soon!
Celestial Alignment chapter 9 . 6/6/2019
Ohhhhhhh boy! I was very ready for another chapter and you delivered. The tension could be cut with a knife!

The game of wits between them is so much fun! I love the allusion to Mirror Kirk and how scary he was. Is this story going to go the time travel route? Either way, I'm enjoying the drama no matter what direction you decide to take it in.

And that cliffhanger is a killer-but perfect!

(And it's good to be back! I have missed this!)
CrystalVixen93 chapter 9 . 6/4/2019
Love your story and can't wait to see what happens next so I hope you update again soon plz
P.S. I wonder how Jim will take meeting her roomate?
Junesun chapter 9 . 6/1/2019
OMG this story is so well-written and you have me at the edge of my seat all the time! I can‘t wait for the resolution of this cliffhanger (and the outcome of the story); I keep rereading until there‘s more. I also checked for other stories you may have written in the Star Trek universe, but unfortunately there don‘t seem to be any. Please continue writing today!
Shadowing chapter 9 . 6/1/2019

Amazing chapter! Like I kept leaning into my phone. It’s was amazing!
Kat chapter 9 . 5/31/2019
Ack! Kirk always does seem to put his foot in it. I really loved how Kati pointed out his mistakes and errors. Great chapter. Thanks!
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