Reviews for Naruto Yugioh Dimension Harem Challenge
Guest chapter 1 . 3/7/2018
For the first challenge I think xyz rebellion dragon could be a better choice for naruto than starve venom. Mostly cause he is rebelling against his family and then feeling that anger let’s him gain access to odd eyes raging dragon. Thus then letting him gain access to odd eyes rebellion dragon.
Firestar Prime chapter 11 . 12/7/2017
Please let us know if you or someone else makes this story.
Phantom Symbiote chapter 9 . 12/2/2017
What about yubel?
yuuki-chan 346 chapter 1 . 9/5/2017
Hello Ragnerock , my name is yuuki-chan 346 , i come from thailand , nice to meet you
i have new list of character in Naruto Yugioh Dimension Harem
naruto from naruto
sakura From naruto
(Hinata From Naruto
(Ino from naruto
(Chouji from naruto
Hatake kakashi from naruto
Itachi Uchiha From Naruto
Menma Uzumaki From Naruto (Main Antagonist)
Konan from naruto
Kisame from naruto
Deidara from naruto
Sasori from naruto
Nagato from naruto
Obito from naruto
Madara from naruto
kaguya from naruto
Hidan from naruto
Madoka Kaname From Madoka
Homura Akemi From Madoka
Sayaka Miki From Madoka
Mami Tomoe From Madoka
Kyoko Sakura From Madoka
Nagisa Momoe From Madoka
Kurisu Makise from stain gate
Rintaro Okabe from stain gate
Itaru Hashida from stain gate
Mayuri Shiina from stain gate
Suzuha Amane from stain gate
Luka Urushibara from stain gate
Moeka Kiryū from stain gate
Kirigaya kazuto from Sword art online
Kirigaya suguha from Sword art online
Asuna yuuki from Sword art online
Sugou from Sword art online
Asada Shino from Sword art online (Kazuto Main Pairing girl)
Shinozaki Rika from Sword art online
Ayano Keiko from Sword art online
Milly Ashford from code geass (Lelouch Main Pairing girl)
Lelouch vi Britannia from code geass
Suzaku Kururugi from code geass
C.C. from code geass
Rivalz Cardemonde from code geass
Gino Weinberg from code geass
Anya Alstreim from code geass
Kallen Kōzuki from code geass
Kamijou Touma From Toaru Majutsu no Index
Misaka mikoto From Toaru Majutsu no Index
Accelerator From Toaru Majutsu no Index
shokuhou misaki From Toaru Majutsu no Index (Naruto Main Pairing girl)
rot anschauen drache kaiser chapter 4 . 8/18/2017
Since im the only one who bothers to mention it your fortune chapter is the doll chapter reposted
rot anschauen drache kaiser chapter 2 . 8/2/2017
ok so no one else has thought to bring this up yet but this second chapters content is essentially chapter one reposted its not the actual chapter two so you might want to fix that before adding any more
Guest chapter 2 . 7/31/2017
It would interning to read this fanfic I like of this challenge but I am not really the best writer