Reviews for Hookfang's Tale
TobiasBoon chapter 10 . 3/3
This is absolutely brilliant! One of the best fics from a dragon’s perspective I’ve read (and it’s not even Toothless, wow!). Some great detail included and I love the Easter eggs. Thanks for writing!
Blackberry Avar chapter 1 . 5/25/2018
Hey! I watched that movie. Nice reference. Good stuff and good memories.
Guest chapter 10 . 2/6/2018
Awesome story! Thank you!
Ilovechips4ever chapter 10 . 1/19/2018
Hi, I really liked your story. Do you think you could do Httyd 2 like this?
Guest chapter 10 . 1/18/2018
Oh, wow, finally done! Good job with this, I really liked it! Very well written. :-D

PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 10 . 1/18/2018
This was incredible, and especially, most especially, your Barf and Belch. FFN doesn't allow copy-pasting text, but their exchange is PERFECTION.
Please please please as SOON as you read this, go in and mark your story "Complete." It hurts your search results if you don't!
SapphireDragon4437 chapter 4 . 12/8/2017
Omg I love CinemaSins! I can’t believe I didn’t recognise the reference in the last chapter! XD
SapphireDragon4437 chapter 2 . 12/1/2017
Snot Loud? Heh, I see what you did there...
Shadowassassin reborn chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
The ending was funny
SapphireDragon4437 chapter 1 . 11/30/2017
Oh. My. Gods. Why doesn't this story have more hearts, reviews and follows? Get your priorities in order, internet!
This is absolutely hilarious and I love how arrogant Hookfang is. He's definitely Snotlout in a haughty dragon mirror. You yourself are also very funny and I really appreciated the obligatory disclaimer! Two ANs are fine if they're this amusing! XD
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 7 . 11/14/2017
I am an absolute SUCKER for Snotlout/Hookfang bonding and you had them bond with BLOOD!
And Gothi being the comforter of dying dragons had me in literal tears. This is so, so beautiful, I can't even. Seriously. Just... Ohhhh.
Thank you forever.
Guest chapter 4 . 9/17/2017
Interesting, very interesting.
PutMoneyInThyPurse chapter 3 . 9/5/2017
I haven't signed in so that I can comment properly at some point. But I've been absolutely hooked on this story from the start. You combine beautiful, delightful lightheartedness with unexpected and painful seriousness, and a burning desire to see how the plot moves forward even though I've already seen the movie! So much love! Your Hookfang's perspective - Ohh, I love him. His shattered reaction when he's freed from the mind-control had me in his head as surely as you had him enter the Nadder's head in training. Their mental world is, the way you create it, it's such a delight to be in and see things from their perspective. I just... This is so, so wonderful, please never doubt it.
~putmoneyinthypurse, not signed in
Imagine Kayla chapter 2 . 8/29/2017
Aww, you plugged me. You shouldn't have (do it more)! I'm blushin' here.

Poor Hookfang. Clubbed like a baby seal and then told everything he knows, his entire life, is a lie. That would certainly be enough to make me wanna bash my skull in, too. At least the Vikings of Berk (the Hairy Hooligan Tribe, I think they call themselves? Vikings are weird) aren't complete monsters and keep them fed and their pens clean. Mighty kind of them!

I still squint and groan at that whole Spite Loud thing you're A PUN MONSTER. It's funny though because I think Snotlout's dad is named Spitelout. You're getting TOO META. PULL BACK (just kidding keep going). He's like, the only parental unit we ever see in the movies or tv series besides Stoic and Valka. WHERE ARE THE OTHER PARENTS?

Thought that moment with Hookfang and Hiccup was cute. Um um um I'm outta things to say SORRY I SAID ALL THE NICE THINGS IN MY OTHER REVIEW OTL
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
Very clever idea for a story. I like this. Thank you.
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