Reviews for Spiderman Homecoming - First Job
Guest chapter 1 . 10/1/2018
Spiderman Far From Home ( possible new characters )
Gwendolyn Stacy
Unlike the comics, she is depicted as a wealthy heiress with a Russian mother and a French father. She still has the appearance of Gwen in the , but is based on Daisy Buchanan. She appears to have everything : wealth, beauty and fame - she is a socialite, ballerina and also her father's right-hand man. Despite being so angelic , Gwen is cold, cruel, manipulative and extremely vindictive. She plays lusty bouncies with men, but ultimately ended up with , is the most fond of.
Harry Osborn
Peter' since infanthood. His mentally insane father is the Oscorps CEO and thus he had a sharp, cynical, nonchalant personality underneath all that suaveness. Harry is actually a nice guy , but and especially Peter. After having flings with many girls, he ended up with his old friend Liz Toomes
Mark Toomes
Liz's evil older brother by 5 years, who is actually his daf' s mini me. She thought him dead but it was a lie. As she went , she discovered the truth.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/22/2018
How MCU Spiderman totally ignored the comics
Through the title, I'm gonna break down some differences between comics vs movie
1. School
Comics : Midtown High School is an elite tier one school where lower class Peter managed to be enrolled through a scholarship he earned at 13. Because of his lower status, Peter was ridiculously bullied by his wealthier classmates, who have no interest in science
MCU : It is still a tier one school. However, it is a SECONDARY school catering to GENIUS RICH KIDS aged 11 - 18 and both a boarding/day school. In fact, it has alumnis like Tony Stark, Dr. Harrington and Bruce Banner. Peter was enrolled due to his dead parents' fortune, his uncle and aunt's connection through SHIELD and of course his godfather Tony Stark' s generous sponsorship. In the school, Peter was looked up by his peers, but is often misunderstood. Flash serves as his Malfoy type rival - although not as physically tough as in the comics, Flash is even more manipulative and sadistic.
2. Secrecy of identity
Comics : Peter went through EXTREME lengths his identity to the world...until 13 years later.
MCU : Captain Stacy was the first to know and he emailed the Avengers. Peter started to hang out with the Avengers circle and desperate to keep it.a secret from his peers...until Gwen spillled the beans to ALL OF HIS FRIENDS in Far From Home, much to his dismay.
3. Characters : Oh boy, here it goes...
. Comics! Mary Jane is a sassy, fiery REDHEAD from an abusive family. MCU!MJ is Afro-Latina, brunette, a science geek...and still has the original Mary Jane personality
. Comics! Liz is the stereotypical Alpha Bitch who is the Cheerleading captain, girlfriend of both Flash and Peter and later wife of Harry Osborn. MCU!Liz is Irish-Caribbean, had a calm, serious but intense personality, hated Flash guts and only liked Peter as a little brother, nothing more. In addition, through the Terrigen bomb she became Firestar,.and the daughter of Vulture.
. Comics! Betty is BRUNETTE, FOUR YEARS OLDER THAN PETE and HAS A RIZZO TYPE PERSONALITY. MCU! Betty is blonde,.a year younger than Harry and an airheaded, ditzy personality
. Comics! Harry is a suave Rhett Butler type dandy, and is half French on his mother s side. MCU! Harry is a Danny Zuko type bad boy and is Irish - Spanish. He is also the long time boyfriend of Betty.
. Comics ! Aunt May is a senile old woman. MCU ! Aunt May us a beautiful Italian American SHIELD doctor and MSSH's head medical teacher, with long auburn hair and olive skin.
. Comics ! Flash is the archetypal jock bully. MCU! Flash is a Malfoy type bully.
. Comics ! Gwen is depicted to be a sweet girl - next - door with BLONDE HAIR, BLUE EYES with a British father and a FRENCH mother who NEVER APPEARED IN THE COMICS. MCU ! Gwen has the same personality as in the comics, but had a colder, more manipulative and snobbier one. Her father is British of Norwegian descent and the PRIME MINISTER OF UK, but her overachieiving mother is Russian - French and is a PERFORMING ART LEGEND. She has raven hair, ivory skin, dark eyes with a tall, hourglass body. Interestingly, her mother played a more important role than her father.
4. Peter's jobs
Comics : He works at the Daily Bugle, a pizza delivery boy and a teaching assistant.
MCU : He is literally a jack of all trades : a Stark Industries intern, an Avengers secretary, a junior SHIELD cadet, a US political pawn, his aunt's nurseboy, a pizza delivery boy, Gwen's manager, a rotating employee at the Michelin' s diner, and a professional computer genius. In school he is the Student Union President, Captain of Decathlon Team and MSSH band Captain. Gwen wondered how the hell Peter can juggle his overly busy schedule.
5. Peter Parker
Comics : Shy, socially awkward and nerdy, Peter is used to be bullied around in high in college where he starts more confident. He is horrible at ladies. He grew up in a working class neighbourhood with his senile Uncle Ben and Aunt May
MCU : The mini version of Tony Stark : suave, loud, charming, talkative and utterly adorable. He can be arrogant, but managed to get his way by SIMPLY BEING CHARMING. .the closest people did he show his weaker side. He is actually smarter than in the comics - according to Aunt May, he has the IQ of 200. His dead parents are fabulously wealthy and his uncle and Aunt aren't too poor either. While Ben wasnt teaching him all about politics and May yammering about medical science, he was babysat by the Avengers and SHIELD executives
Guest chapter 1 . 9/29/2017
Thank you
Cr8tivity chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
Great Job! I also like how Tony reacts. I could see this happening in the actual movies.
cabrera1234 chapter 1 . 8/5/2017
tony is like a dad
Phoenixhp5 chapter 1 . 8/4/2017
Haha, very cute! Loved how big of a deal Tony made out of this, and how worried he was about Peter behaving well. Thanks for sharing!