Reviews for Growing Up Gifted
Guest chapter 46 . 9/4
As the fic is complete already I feel that it should have the correct pairing tag? Cause the character tag order is a bit misleading.
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 46 . 9/4
Congratulations! You finally completed this precious story, I’m glad and happy you did.
Thank you for writing this, for the thrills and the tears ;p
The characters and the story itself are so well-written. Adorable ending.
Really loved reading this. Till next time! Take care *hugs*
Veraozao chapter 46 . 9/1
love it, kiss
Guest chapter 46 . 8/31
Such a beautiful story! Even though poor Ichigo had to go through so much pain and poor Hime has to make such a tough decision...but in the end it was for the best. Such is life.
At least there's no hanging. Everything fell back into it's place.

Despite holding a grudge, uryu still sent the card. I snickered at that part.

And I am so happy that Ulquihime got together! I won't lie though, but the last chapter made me uncomfortable as though someone has slitered a snake in my guts.

Congrats on finishing the story!

Also to dainapotter;
Dude you suck. Go get a life.
daianapotter chapter 46 . 8/30
At least this shit is finish.
roseeyes chapter 45 . 8/21
Holy cow, is Orihime pregnant?! That would explain the moodiness and sudden weight gain. Does Urahara know? That would explain why he's wanted Ulquiorra to keep his distance. Unless he secretly wants Ichigo to get with her despite his hollow wanting her powers.
And oh my, they kissed. This won't end well, Ulquiorra is going to have a baby duck.
Nooooooooo, please don't end this story yet! I love GUG so much and there are still so many loose ends! There's no way it can be over next chapter! Honestly, this is one of the first Bleach fics I ever read and my first UlquiHime fic. Words can't express how much I love it and I have no clue what's going to happen. PLEASE DON'T ABANDON THIS STORY!
Great iob, looking forward to the next chapter!
Veraozao chapter 45 . 8/2
love it, kiss
Mithila1996 chapter 43 . 7/31
Uk I think u pull of Kisuke Urahara rather well. It would be interesting if u made a fic of him and an OC or sth but not Yoruichi. T-rated plz tho
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 45 . 7/26
The development is awesome! I don’t know, but I really love this chapter especially the ending :p ok ok I’ll stop XD
A quick update, you’re awesome!
I would definitely be bothered and devastated if you don’t finish this fic, why do you even have to ask? Grrr.. heheh ;p
Uhm, is Orihime expecting? Now, I feel sad again.. I mean for my Ichi ;p
Thanks for the update and looking forward to the next! :)
Maxwell C-Dornez chapter 45 . 7/26
Finally you are back, but you finish in next chapter? How?
Nii-sama97 chapter 45 . 7/26
Oh no, this story needs ten more chapters more for sure! Things get intresting again emotionally. One more chapter only? What will I live for then if this ends? O_O
Kira4Schiffer chapter 45 . 7/25
Wow, I'm not sure I like this development. But maybe because I am biased since I like Ulquiorra but not Orihime (and of course Ichigo).
I also happen to agree with the review left before me by Peita-san. Ulquiorra is wholeheartedly loyal and in love with Orihime in his imperfect way, but she is insecure. I don't blame her for that, but the moment she seeks comfort from Ichigo, I take away my sympathy for her.

I do think you need to finish the story, it's just one more chapter you said. Every story needs closure.
I really hope you finish this.
Anyway, thank you for this chapter.
Looking forward for next
Peita Mae Jovero chapter 45 . 7/25
Women are so fickle. When they're lonely, they seek attention elsewhere. When they're caught, they try to justify the fault by blaming the other party. Although the other party really had huge impact on the faulty decisions, a wrong move will always be a wrong move despite the intentions that prompt it.
I've been in O's circumstances. My bf left me to achieve his dreams & eventually the communication dwindles on his side. I became insecure, "what if he found someone better? Did he not love me anymore? Did i do something wrong? ". I had lots of male friends than female ones but I knew that others would mistake my relationship with them so I prefer to be alone, to talk with my fam or be with my colleagues. They told me to be better and to do my best. So I found activities to do, be with different people & communicate with them although it gets lonely when you get home, but those insecurities comes less frequently. I came to surprise visit him & I'm so glad I conquered the doubts because he'd been loyal & respectful towards me.
I'm disappointed & disgusted with women who seek recognition & acknowledgement in the arms of another man. If someone can do it, you can too. Its just much harder than how others achieve it
hiMe-iChi-uLqUi-gRim chapter 44 . 7/7
Happy 44 ch again, the guest is me, forgot to login ;p
Guest chapter 44 . 7/7
Happy 44 chapter to you since it’s Ulquiorra’s number! ;p
I’m glad you updated and can’t wait for you to complete this so I can fav it :)
I can’t stop smiling at the end of this chapter because of the text message, this is the reason I fell in love with this story the first time.
Does Ichi still have the chance? Hehe kidding, just can’t help myself from asking ;p
Take care and thanks for the update!
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