Reviews for Aftermath
Mari Wollsch chapter 1 . 2/26/2018
great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ReadingBlueWolf chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
Mycroft pieces are always interesting. Everyone has different takes and none of them are wrong or right. I love that (according to your AN), you play both sides of that coin. It definitely allows you to take both routes and explore character development.

I can see Mycroft struggling with a grey hair because it signifies a much larger change going on in him. It’s a huge mile marker. It’s not just a birthday, it’s not wrinkles slowly gathering, it’s a huge change. I really like that you expand on what that means for him.

The fact Mycroft knows death and age comes for all, is a great nod to the show. It’s also a great way of establishing that he’s not frightened by death, but more curious about growing older. There seems to be this enlightening moment where he realizes that not everything is about work. Sometimes, moments need to be enjoyed.

Mycroft painting is a wonderful idea. He needs an outlet and painting is a good expression for one who’s such a stoic soul. I love how cathartic it is and the fact it puts a smile on his face is lovely. It’s rare that Mycroft smiles, and when he does half the time it’s not genuine. What’s more is the way you describe the painting with foamy green waves mixed with yellow is a beautiful image.

I love the section about Mycroft’s fingers being stiff. I do think you could make that into another paragraph since it’s a separate thought from the painting taking form. It would really emphasize how it’s been a while, and how he does take that break. It’s such a great little piece.

I liked how you explored another side of Mycroft in this. It was lovely!

MissScorp chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
Hi, there! Was browsing around and saw this one so I thought I'd give it a read. I really love how you represent Mycroft here. You take what happened with Eurus and you expand on it to show how he deals with the aftermath. For him, it's a matter of going back to work. Of tightening the strings and deflecting the blame. Of resuming the role most expected of him. He cannot really drop the iceman persona he's cultivated because it's the one expected of him. He balances the system created by all involved by being the one who does what is expected. What is necessary.

I really loved how you specified that ((He didn't fall into depression. His thoughts didn't turn suicidal. He didn't wallow in guilt. He simply moved on.)) It shows who Mycroft is. He's not an overly sentimental man. He doesn't dwell on what he cannot change. He isn't one to lament upon mistakes. He just picks up the pieces and goes back to work. For him that includes ((Taking care of his parents. Watching over Sherlock. Even watching over Eurus.)) because ((In the end, everything remained his responsibility. As usual.)) It's a great way to represent that Mycroft is the loyal, dutiful son who handles everything. He is the responsible one.

Oh, I can imagine how he felt when he ((discovered his first grey hair.)) It is not the greatest discovery and causes widespread panic and paranoia. Can just imagine with someone like Mycroft how he'd sneer at the offending hair and feel quite putout with its being there.

I love how you took the gray hair and had be this part that ((represented the fear of losing himself.)) Of not ever understanding who he was. Of not ever being who he was meant to be. He's spent so long being the diplomat, the provider, the guardian, the fixer that he's lost a bit of who Mycroft Holmes is. And he fears that he might lose sight of that man completely. Love the blend of colors in his painting to balance the colorless aspect of the gray hair. It plays well as a way to show his life is far from done and that he can have more if he makes time for it.

In all this was a very lovely character study. Good job!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2017
Yes, a Mycroft story...and a damn good one at that!
marsiac chapter 1 . 8/7/2017
I really think you did a great job here! I myself don't believe that Mycroft changed a lot after the incidents, he's the Iceman after all. From all the three of them, he probably has the most stable psyche. Also I really liked the thought of Mycroft sitting at the sea and painting like Bob Ross, hehe (: