Reviews for To Be Without His Smile
9E chapter 1 . 8/2/2018
This is great, need more!
0erbayunFang chapter 1 . 9/14/2017
Rapidly turning into my favorite author in this fanbase. Loving your work and wondering why the hell I never skimmed through these before. Hidden gold!
APHUnitedNations chapter 1 . 8/10/2017
Ahh I love the way you write! Their emotions seem so real and it brought out all my empathy; I even teared up a bit. I love these two too much sometimes for how perfect they are together in every way. We really need more fluff fics like this because as much as I love angst, my heart can only take so much before I start crying like I did in Route C.

This "rambly unedited mess" is very well-written, and you should be proud! Thanks for sharing this with the world. :)