Reviews for Even Such Is Time
Kat A. Coop chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
I absolutely enjoyed this, you did a wonderful job!
Kat A. Coop chapter 10 . 3/13/2018
I’ve been to the RED LION! It’s near parliament and I tried my first meat pie there! I absolutely adore this story! Looking forward to the rest
tounknowndestinations chapter 23 . 8/28/2017
That was amazing, i'm going to read the sequel straight away, can't already wait for it...
xandrota chapter 16 . 8/27/2017
That was an amazing chapter! Love the whole but the last few ones blew my mind up!
all-maps-welcome chapter 10 . 8/24/2017
I can't believe I've just found this story. It is bloody brilliant. YOU are bloody brilliant. I've read a lot of fan fiction, and written some myself, and this has to have the BEST dialogue and characterisation I've read in a long, long time. I simply don't want to put it down but I have to do stupid things like work and sleep. So glad I've got the rest of this story stretching ahead of me and a follow up story just posted. Wonderful!

I love the slow build of their friendship, the witty remarks, the jokes, but then the god-damn HOT FLIRTING. It's perfect. Well done. :)
MinionMacXIV chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
I'm blown away. You write perfectly!
ProcrastinatoR chapter 23 . 8/17/2017
Holy shit! Are you fucking kidding me?! This fic has literally been one of the best I've ever read! And of course I reallly want to read more, and probably everyone else who has read it wants to too. If not, then they are wrong. Also the ones who haven't read this masterpiece need to do so immediately! If they don't then their loss and they are wrong as well. But seriously, this is literally THE BEST. I found this fic yesterday and have been reading it non-stop! Like ofcourse i had to take breaks to do other things like go to class, eat and bathroom (tmi sorry but i need to get the point across) but besides that all i have been doing is reading it all night like i stayed up till 7 am reading this(pretty sure somewhere around 4 or 5 am the story went from being 22 chapters long to 23 chps and i've never in my life been so happy this early in the morning anyway), then sleep overcame and had to sleep till like 12 and then woke up and started reading! Like that's how good, amazing, awesome this is!
Besides all that, I love the writing style and the characters! And i really love the little science and historical facts ! Thank you for this awesome fic! Hope to read more in the future!
Guest chapter 23 . 8/17/2017
Gah, I love how you write the dynamic b/t these two! I've been frantically checking this story all week and would love to read more! How does their holiday go? Do they make it to the museum? Does Clara still have a job?

This has been such a delight to read, so thank you for writing! Your sense of humor is so great.
Guest chapter 23 . 8/17/2017
I don't think it's any exaggeration that this is the BEST, indeed most AWESOME fic evah! :) You're a wonderful writer and please continue to ramble all you want, there were so many laugh out loud moments, you just have to continue on with the story, it's just the beginning after all. Love the running gag of how much everything costs. It's all brilliant and I'm going to read it again.

Also, I can't say that I've ever learned so much from a fic, your liberal dusting of random science facts throughout were fully appreciated.

p.s. love your chapter titles too!
p.s.s. love your sense of humour, you're so funny!
p.s.s.s. Yes please continue, more story please ;D
Guest chapter 23 . 8/17/2017
Honestly? I've become so addicted to this story you have no idea. And you've been so quick too! Just amazing, I absolutely love the way you portrayed them and their dynamic as well as the other characters and the events that bought them together. I may be a *tiny* bit curious about how their holyday would go or seeing them in a few years. But anyway I can easily imagine.
Absolutely amazing, thank you so so so much for this story. I really need it. And I will miss it.
The Rose Society chapter 23 . 8/16/2017
Loved it. I have been obsessively refreshing to see if you updated. The delicate turn of just who started the cheating was well done. I personally would love more. Well written. It is perhaps more wordy than some but I don't see that as a detractor, it never got to a point where I would zone out, it just meant to me that you pack a lot into the story.
Twelvebosswald chapter 22 . 8/16/2017
I just read the 22 chapters you have in two days. Thank you for making my week with this, absolutely adore your writing. You're so incredibly talented and the way you capture twelve and clara is fascinating. Definitely will be following this story, you've done so much with it already but hope you don't mind that I hope it never ends.
Haeloth chapter 22 . 8/16/2017
Wow you update really fast and write really good. I usually do not read complete AUs but this one seemed interesting, and I am glad I gave it a go. Keep on writing awesome stuffFavourited and followed
expeditedparcel chapter 20 . 8/15/2017
Sigh! Every time I decide to get back to work and stop reading stuff, a beautiful chapter from you pops up. I had to comment because I read about the Saharan ants last year on NG. They are so tiny you have to seem them through an electron microscope. But here is the kicker. A grad student actually shaved the hair of the ant to study its temperature regulation. My only thought was, that must be the world's smallest razor and imagine a torture where you asked someone to shave their entire body with that (or maybe the poor student was being tortured for his/her dissertation). Anyway, I digress. Brilliant chapters- all 3. I love how you have brought out the painful vulnerability in both characters hidden behind a show of bravado and wit. Very apt to the Doctor/Clara relationship we saw (and did not see but could infer).
TK chapter 17 . 8/14/2017
Wow, I just binged this all in one sitting-what a ride! I can't wait to see where it goes from here but I'm desperately hoping they patch things up
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