Reviews for Surprises Come in all Packages
Guest chapter 4 . 7/5
Please continue.
yes i rememeber chapter 2 . 5/6
somehow i liked the tony has a child fantasy better after reading the a/n because im to blame for several badly done fics about tony and a kid fics that never were posted
RandomPerson chapter 3 . 5/1
I have never even heard of zucchini bread.
also Great story!
Snapemalfoy chapter 4 . 4/30
Love the story update soon!
the-wayward-painter chapter 4 . 3/31
Oh I love this story! So much angst, whoo. I hope you update this soon.
BelikovaBabe chapter 4 . 12/26/2019
I love this story please continue it I feel like it has a lot of potential
kittyrsocute chapter 4 . 10/7/2019
I love this story, and I'm excited to see what happens next. And the person who was saying Peter's not reacting like he should doesn't know shit. I've had the figurative rug pulled from under me about my dad not being my dad. Granted my stepdad was a literal turd. But if my birth dad was part of the picture and already acting paternal before either of us knew, I'm pretty sure Peter's reaction is spot on for what happened. Peter isn't a particularly defensive person, so him not getting pissed off at Tony makes sense. Peter isn't just any teenager, so he doesn't need to react like just any teenager. He's been through a whole lot of shit in his life, he's had to grow up quicker than the other kids his age. Also, his anxiousness makes sense with everthing he's been through. After losing Uncle Ben like he did, it makes a whole lot of sense for him to be so worried about losing another paternal figure. Sorry for this dose of word vomit, but that review I read really tickled me wrong. You're awesome, and don't let anybody tell you different.
Ingrid Flores chapter 2 . 9/17/2019
ContinĂșa el chapter 5 please
Raven White Fox chapter 4 . 8/30/2019
I love that! Keep it up.
eghoul chapter 4 . 8/19/2019
xionsd chapter 4 . 8/16/2019
sorry i have to say it... this was wayyy overthetop seriusly a teenager dont react like that not even peter parker he may feel betrayed and he can have a really mean streak if pushed to much... you are making him too much a pushover really it extreme and anoying to read peter beating himself over how disapointed he is that tony dont see him like he love him or something is like the parkers dont even exist to him remember that ben parker was the paternal figure to him more than anyone... so is not in his character to be like you are making to be
Guest chapter 4 . 8/16/2019
buterflypuss chapter 4 . 8/16/2019
good chap
Placated Uzumaki chapter 4 . 8/16/2019
the heavy stuff aside, i really loved that Jocasta scene! just warmed my heart and made me smile :)
seraphina987 chapter 4 . 8/15/2019
Loved the new chapter
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