Reviews for sweet as cherry wine
Ikathy chapter 1 . 6/14


Why do you love to crush me?

Ok, first of all, I love the fact you wrote it in first person.

Mira's POV felt SO REAL. like, she wishes Erza to be fucked up but in the end SHE is the one fucked up when Erza leaves.

And Laxus. He's so mature. Like, he sees Mira shit. He's a resonable adult, he's got HIS shit together... except when he DOESN'T. AND HE KNOWS ABOUT IT.

Jellal's words brought the most weight in my opining. Repugnance. SUFFOCATED. I can't have Jellal any other way.

And Erza, poor thing. I felt bad for her, really.

Can I say I need more of this not-triangle-maybe-quadrangle(?) in my life? pretty please?
radiance51 chapter 1 . 7/29/2019
This is so sad and so beautiful at the same time. :(
Momo Cicerone chapter 1 . 5/9/2019
Abs this is SO good like i just binged three fics of yours on my bus ride to work lmfao the way you write angst is so SO SO good I can't even paraphrase it. You write broken people fucking up their lives to well, the way you portray human weaknesses and all that jazz, it's honestly breathtaking.
nothingwillsuffice chapter 1 . 3/14/2018
I loved this. The angst was intense and true, and I like how their stories were woven together. This was very creative too. Very good.
nalubbys chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
the angst is rly oh my frICK the things that have always been left unsaid between erza and jellal affects mira and laxus i hate it and i love it. thank you.
FreyjaBee chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
You're my soulmate. Sorry. It's true. I won't take it back.
This was fucking awesome. I didn't know I needed it until I read it. Everyone is so. fucked. up. Everyone is beautiful. Laxus is probably my favourite here. I don't know why but his voice in this just... heats my bones. I imagine if he loved, it would be like this. Horribly and lovely. Mira using him after being used herself? Yes, please. It was excellent. Great work.