Reviews for The Road Trip
bobcobthehentaiguy chapter 45 . 9/28
really good stuff
Nightcore25 chapter 1 . 8/17
I've read this repeatedly. I love it! I can't stop once I finish I start over again. I'm dying to know what happens next.
Nakari Kanto chapter 1 . 7/6
I have read this over and over again and I simply cannot get enough. I'm addicted! I pray you continue with it and I look forward to the next chapter.
Weissschneee chapter 45 . 7/5
Oh my God, please tell me you have another chapter coming out. This story has to be the best I've ever read. This is amazing. I love this. I hope you come out with the next chapter soon.
DT610 chapter 45 . 6/21
I just discovered this story a couple days ago, and it's absolutely amazing. Now that Weiss has fulfilled her goal, I'm looking forward to seeing the completion of Ruby's and then hopefully their reunion soon after. Great work, can't wait for the next update
GrnDrgnzrd chapter 45 . 6/21
You weren't kidding when you said this was going to be a fight. Awesome. See you next chapter.
Nagaichi chapter 45 . 6/17
AngelicsMystery chapter 45 . 6/16
OMG this Chapter has been amazing especially with everything you have done to build up to this point. This is still by far one of my absolute favorite fics. You are an amazingly captivating author please finish this and not abandon it I would love to reread every line in this story especially when it is complete. Thank you for all your effort you have put into this magnificient piece. Though you didn't know you have made my birthday today amazing. To find that you updated the day before and that I just happened to check it today to look for a possible update on a few of the fics I have been reading, An amazing, riviting updated chapter is the best gift anyone could have given me regardless of it being clearly unintentional XD. Please whatever you do finish this even if it continues for many more chapters or only a few. I will have this printed to put along with my book collection.
UndeadRacer chapter 1 . 6/16
God I got so nervous that that was the last chapter I'm so glad it isn't
Sasquatchrwby chapter 45 . 6/16 That was so much more intense than I was expecting and I loved every second of it. Amazing work on this chapter. I cannot wait to see what is going to happen next.
Jonw40 chapter 45 . 6/16
Sooooo happy for an update! Weiss kicking ass!
Krakyn chapter 45 . 6/16
Loved the chapter! Absolutely worth the wait. It really makes my day whenever I get to read another chapter of this story, keep up the great work!
FeugoFox42 chapter 45 . 6/15
Absolutely brilliant. I was captivated by every single word. Thank you for this amazing chapter, and for the incredible story as a whole - can't wait to see what comes next in this tale
imsabbel chapter 45 . 6/15
Okay, that semblence reveal really make a lot of things make much more sense.

Poor Ruby, she never had a chance and she blamed herself not knowing...
Dragonqueen1993 chapter 44 . 2/23
hot damn! seems like Ruby has a new pet dog ;)
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