Reviews for Shiro's Tale
Xyaqom chapter 25 . 4/5
This was a funny chapter, almost everyone in this chapter was getting burns after burns.

Also, did you somehow put Ryu from street fighter in this story?
Anime Fan102 chapter 6 . 3/18
Shiro, you pervert! Taking pictures of the girls when they're not looking.
Anime Fan102 chapter 5 . 3/18
Ren may as well quit while he's ahead, because Shiro is just going to treat him badly. Run while you can Ren!
Jack Bobby chapter 6 . 3/18
Wow, I never thought that Shiro was once Rito's father's assasstint on his manga.
Jack Bobby chapter 5 . 3/15
Poor Ren, he's getting treated badly for this story.
Xyaqom chapter 24 . 3/15
We just saw a glimpsed of Shiro's origin.
Xyaqom chapter 23 . 3/14
I really liked this chapter, it really cracked me up. Ren is nicer when he's Run.
Jack Bobby chapter 4 . 3/14
There is always that one person in your life that is always grumpy. you can't reason with him you can't cheer him up, and he wants nothing to do with you or anyone around him. That person is Shiro.
Anime Fan102 chapter 4 . 3/14
Who doesn't like field trips, apparently Shiro doesn't.
Anime Fan102 chapter 3 . 3/14
If the FBI did come to Shiro's place, I see the scene going on like this.

FBI: Hello, Mr. Shiro, we have reason to believe that you have the powers to destroy typhoons.

Shiro makes a run for it and the FBI goes after him.

But anyways, a good chapter.
Anime Fan102 chapter 2 . 3/14
Wow, I guess Lala has to find a job a job now. I wish her luck
Jack Bobby chapter 3 . 3/14
I'm surprised that you included the Typhoon chapter. I completely forgot that Lala could pull that off.
Jack Bobby chapter 2 . 3/13
Poor Rito, all he wants is to be with Haruna, is that so hard to get.

From Rito, yes, that is asking a lot.
Jack Bobby chapter 1 . 3/13
Wow, Shiro sure is a jerk in this story, but at least he got what was coming for him, and I don't mean that in a good way.
Anime Fan102 chapter 1 . 3/13
You know what they say about Karma. I'm glad Shiro got his, for all the people he treats poorly on a daily basis.
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