Reviews for Counterbalance
TheVintagePearls chapter 2 . 9/20/2017
Thanks for doing Wyatt's POV! The filler just makes it better that he came back, because it shows that he would have so regretted not telling her (even if he also needed her for cover). I'm loving your fillers for these eps, thanks for them! Hope to see more soon :)
TheVintagePearls chapter 1 . 9/20/2017
Catching up on my reviews, this was so lovely. I would have LOVED to have something like this in the show, since it shows how much Wyatt cares for Lucy still, even when this is Wyatt's POV.
qwertygal chapter 2 . 8/27/2017
Great job with the follow-up. I always like hearing from the other character's point of view, even though I had guessed what Wyatt was going to say, just given the timing of things, it was really nice to "hear" some of his inner thoughts, as well.
Shahar Mystral chapter 2 . 8/25/2017
Awesome end. I forgot where this was set in the plot of the show, so his hidden thoughts came as a surprise. But one that I liked.
Well done. I look forward to more from you.
TheVelvetDusk chapter 2 . 8/25/2017
Excellent follow up! Given the timing, this was pretty much what I expected Wyatt to be thinking about when he left, but it was nice to actually feel it play out from his POV. The biggest surprise was to know that he was already struggling with the balance of his feelings for Lucy vs. his plan to save Jessica... like obviously there's a hint of that in the actual canon scene from 1x13, but in this fic to portray that he's *consciously* aware of those growing feelings for Lucy...loved it. Totally angsty, but I loved it :) ESPECIALLY when he was really struggling with saying "what are friends for." Thanks for writing this!
Shahar Mystral chapter 1 . 8/25/2017
So so so good.
I love your writing style, it follows of the pages beautifully. And as for the beginnings of the story I am definitely enjoying it
Once Upon a Whim chapter 2 . 8/25/2017
Well, I was hoping it would have been something about his feelings for her, but the Jessica thing does make more sense in the context of what happened next episode.

I did like that he was definitely affected by the kiss, acknowledged that there was a flame there to be fanned, and was still even feeling aftereffects at this point, like when her head bumped his shoulder. I think it plays well into the the feeling that he's betraying Lucy by going back for Jessica and being reluctant to tell her that, essentially, he's choosing Jess over whatever she could be to him. It fits well with his stupid, stupid 'Are you ok?' but refusal to touch her in the Karma episode.

Thanks for adding this second part!
Gracielinn chapter 2 . 8/24/2017
So glad you gave us Wyatt's perspective on this. I'm not a fan of that scene in Karma Chameleon even though it's important that Wyatt goes and tells Lucy what he and Rufus are going to do cause it's painful to watch. I thought Abigail S and Matt L really sold it though since I can feel Lucy's pain and fear and Wyatt's determination and regret. Great fic, hope you write more soon :)
Laura chapter 2 . 8/24/2017
Wow, perfect compliment to part one. I could really see this happening with Wyatt struggling with with what to tell Lucy all while in this very domestic moment. Feels true for him to be uncomfortable with how comfortable he feels taking care of her.
Once Upon a Whim chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
Now I have to go back and watch those two episodes, because clearly I didn't put enough thought into their dynamic in each! Also, WHAT WAS HE GOING TO SAY? I'm so curious what you had in mind when you wrote him almost saying something. In any case, this was lovely. I wish we had more moments like this in the actual episodes. Well, not Lucy getting a migraine, because that seems like it sucks, but bonding moments are good :)
TheVelvetDusk chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
LOVED THIS. This doesn't just fill in the developmental gaps between the two episodes, but it also give a very plausible explanation for how Wyatt knew where to find her at the beginning of Karma Chameleon. (although the man is pretty resourceful so I could believe it without explanation)

It was great to see Wyatt so seamlessly transition into a more intimate friendship role of taking her home, making the tea and toast, tucking her in, etc. I think it seems like something he'd definitely do for her under the circumstances, and it carries a more personal significance than the way he acts as a protector on the job. This was really sweet, even if it carried the sad undercurrent of what is going on in Wyatt's head leading into the next episode.
Di92 chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
Great storyline! The dynamic between Lucy and Wyatt has always been very special. Even through their different views of fate, they share a unique understanding with each other.
emilycare chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
Really enjoyed this! Such a sweet interlude between them. The toast and tea detail was just perfect. Love Lucy's vulnerability and the deep trust between them. Thank you!
Pecos Bill chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
I liked reading this. Thanks.
Gracielinn chapter 1 . 8/21/2017
Yeah, migraines suck, but your story is great :) keep up the good work!
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