Reviews for Voices
jessie 33 chapter 1 . 8/28/2017
Awesome one shot, I really enjoyed reading it.
sleepersamizdat chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
Wow, so much this. THIS.
sorrellkaren chapter 1 . 8/22/2017
I understand more than most the tapes that play in your head when you have been emotionally abused. My mother never saw me as good enough and although I forgave her before she died I can still here them. Not good enough, no matter what you did, never good enough. Never allowed to be your own person. THAT is why Daryl and Carol are so close. They can be themselves and still be loved by the other. Unconditional love. It is rare and beautiful and I never found it. But they have and no one can take that from them, ever. Not in Alexandria or in the wild. No where. They can see every flaw in each other and love anyway. They don't look over them or past them but through each and every flaw to the other side where a lonely loving soul lays waiting to be found. And they have found each other, God help anyone who comes between them. This was amazing and I am glad I found it.