Reviews for War Goes On
Liaangelique chapter 2 . 10/19/2017
I really like it, your story is interesting and depicts more humanly Corrin and Azura when it comes to their emotional side. However, you should explain why Azura did follow your Corrin when she could have stay in Hoshido since it isn't the revelation's route.
DatNuttyKid chapter 2 . 10/19/2017
Wow. That progressed quickly.

So I'm assuming they'll encounter Felicia and/or Flora at the Ice Tribe Village. (Flora makes more sense character-wise because she actually returns to the Ice Tribe Village in all three routes and could be chief now that it's been 20 years, but Felicia might make more sense narrative-wise since the cast seems to be based on the characters available in all three routes.)

Speaking of it being 20 years, I'm surprised Saizo and Kagero are still ninjas? I mean, they'd be in their 40s now. It's one thing for Kaze, since he'd be training to protect his kids in case of emergency, but I wouldn't think Saizo and Kagero's jobs would be important enough for them both to still be unretired at that age? Maybe Saizo, but I'd think Kagero would want to retire. Of course, I guess that's probably close to the same age as Reina, so maybe not as ridiculous as I think.
DatNuttyKid chapter 1 . 8/23/2017
Interesting start. This is very well-written and I'm curious where the plot will go. And Kaze is one of my favorite characters so I'm happy to see him getting some attention... most fanfictions I read are just the standard Corrin/Felicia, Corrin/Jakob, Corrin/Silas, or Corrin/Royals.

Corrin is not quite the Corrin you usually see - she seems more fearful and emotional. But that's not a bad thing! I'm very fascinated by your take on the character and I can't wait to see more.

I have to wonder, though... what exactly lead you to choose Cheve as your location? It seems like Cyrkensia or Izana would be (and, in other stories, usually are) the obvious choice for a neutral place to hide out (well, I mean, Cyrkensia is destroyed in Revelation but still) whereas Cheve is in the thick of the war (thanks to Scarlet). Again, it's not necessarily a bad choice, but if you don't mind explaining your thought process, I'd like to know!

All that said, great work! I can't wait for the next chapter!