Reviews for Scooby's Choice
AloofEyeball chapter 3 . 7/5/2018
There's no need for Xander to hope Cordelia brought her wand, he could talk to her telepathically and tell her what was going on.
Starway Man chapter 5 . 9/25/2017
Good to see the bonding between the female characters, and I loved your explanation of a 'clerical error' on why Giles never knew about Kendra. Yeah, right, two Watchers were sending in reports about the current Slayer's activity, and nobody in England paid any attention! Hope you update again soon.
MattKennedy chapter 4 . 9/22/2017
Yay for cleansing rituals. :)
MattKennedy chapter 1 . 9/22/2017
Yay for them actually asking questions about the "Powers", rather than just accepting that they should be in charge and their orders followed.
Starway Man chapter 4 . 9/1/2017
I definitely wasn't expecting to see Rack, well done there for surprising me - and we know that he was active from season 3 of the show when Amy went to him, so I suppose it's feasible to introduce him into the plot at this point. Other than Rack's barely-mentioned demise, though, there wasn't a lot of action in this chapter; it was mostly just conversation between the characters! Hope you update again soon.
Starway Man chapter 3 . 8/31/2017
Nice use of humor at the start, when Cordelia was in the shower. I liked the way Norman Pfister (or whatever his name really was) was taken care of in this AU, and the way Amy Madison was introduced into the plot. Whistler's meeting with Angelus... well, I was somewhat surprised that the Scourge of Europe didn't immediately try to eviscerate the balance demon, given Angel was Whistler's protégé. So Angelus is probably planning to kill the Messenger once he outlives his usefulness, right? And looking forward to what Spike and Dru get up to, how she'll be physically healed!
SeanHicks4 chapter 2 . 8/29/2017
Interesting, I didn't realize you're doing the sequel in a separate fic...
Starway Man chapter 2 . 8/27/2017
I was a bit confused with regards to the whole Eyghon thing (wasn't he vanquished after the grudge match with Angelus?), but I liked the way you showed how Spike had a brain and didn't just take Whistler's bait. Well done, hope you update again soon!
Starway Man chapter 1 . 8/27/2017
Nice start on the sequel, and I was surprised to see it was Philip chasing Deidre instead of the other way around, like what we saw on the show! And I like how you portrayed Whistler, too :)