Reviews for Connections
earthdragon chapter 12 . 10/15/2017
Great story!

I don't think Tori should be judged too harshly for not telling Gibbs that she was pregnant with his child. They had a brief affair which was never going to be serious and she clearly wanted to make a fresh start with her new husband, without the complications of an ex-boyfriend in the background. Dan McGee was a wonderful father who clearly loved his adopted son. The tragedy was that they only had a short time as a family and that Dan showed such poor judgement when choosing a carer for his children. And I wonder whether Shannon would have quite so willing to marry Gibbs if it was known that he already had a child. This was the 1970s after all, when illegitimacy would have been frowned on, particularly in a small town like Stillwater.
Momcat chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Another beautiful story finished, sniff ! I'm glad that you made Jenny understand how strong Tim really is. In the series I was more than unnerved by her lack of respect towards him despite their little interaction (and I found very ironic when Lauren Holly once told that McGee was her favorite character !) Like Jackson said, not only LJ Gibbs but also J himself found his son again. Tori's silence about her pregnancy was bitchy though. It's still amazing that your Gibbs is so much human and loving person than his TV version. Abby and Tony also seem to be more mature than their characters in the show, at least in the second half of your story. I can hardly wait for your other stories ( as for the season 15 premiere) but I understand that RL has it's priorities.
Cassandra30 chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Most excellent!
DS2010 chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Loved how you tied everything up in a nice neat bow. I like Jenny on board with the team changes. Gibbs, Tim, and Jack bonding. The Cranes and Hubbards still involved and happy for everyone and the team to for father and son
Reston Reader chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Thanks for another great story, look forward to the next one.
You spoil your readers with interesting story lines and timely updates.
mcgeeksgirl chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Great usual! Looking forward to reading ur next story! And the season premiere! U doing a story about Tim and Gibbs time as hostages?...would love to read a story like that, since I'm sure the,premiere won't have much on that!
Astrahan chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Love this story
julschristine975 chapter 12 . 9/17/2017
Great ending. I really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to your new story. Thank you.
VG LittleBear chapter 12 . 9/16/2017
Hi, I love your AU-AU stories, so the promise of a different glimpse reconciles me with coming to the end of this lovely story. I'm hoping one day to read a sequel where Tony leads the MCRT team, with Gibbs leading another with Ziva on his team. Tim SFA to one, and son to the other teamleader makes me think that Tim will hang out at Gibbs' house, and end up working the cyber magic for both. Thanks and cheers!
VG LittleBear chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
Hi, love this chapter, I have a big smile on my face right now. I liked Jenny a lot, and the relationship she and Gibbs had up to the point of the explosion had me hoping they'd get back together eventually. Jack recognizing the family vibe coming from all the team was lovely. Ziva told Jenny no lies, but the omissions were huge, lol. I'm glad Gibbs fetched Abby, and that Tim was content getting her kiss. He's wearing it like a batch of honor. Thanks and cheers!
Cassandra30 chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
Terrific! I am glad Abby is being held accountable for what she did and disciplined for not paying attention.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
More please. Can't wait for the next update. Love this story
Momcat chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
Wow, I wasn't expecting Abby to react this mature. Sister Rosita surely did some wonders on her personality ! But I'm still not sure what her and Tony's reaction would if they learned that Tim was literally Gibbs's son. I also can hardly believe that Gibbs still reminded her of her (and his) mistakes and unfairness. It's also good that the team managed to tone Abby's hugs down. Tim seems to have forgiven her, but I feel that she still has to work on gaining his trust. Jack described her pretty well as "childish". Frankly I find unnerving that the scenarists are still giving her ridiculous outfits. I couldn't keep myself from laughing at Jenny's reaction to Jack though. She surely wanted to make a good impression on him. It's interesting since he didn't pop up until Jenny was killed in the show. I wonder how the writers would describe the Jenny/Jack relationship.
DS2010 chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
Interesting how Gibbs and Duck reigned Abby in. About time someone did.
I loved Jack being there when Jenny arrived that was fun.
Jenny certainly isn't winning any popularity contest with this group that is for sure
mcgeeksgirl chapter 11 . 9/14/2017
Great Ziva jealous of Abby kissing Tim? Jack noticed! Cant wait to find out Gibbs plan!
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