Reviews for The Shadow of Pestilence
H20 Ferrum Dominus chapter 1 . 11/26/2017
Thanks for the chapter. It's a pretty interesting start for a story, and would most likely become something amazing if properly executed. Keep up the good work because I am curious on where this is going!
Dexter chapter 1 . 11/20/2017
Awesome man keep going.
Jajo Camello chapter 2 . 9/15/2017
From what I've read looks interesting him being a super death knight. Don't be discouraged by the amount if views, not a lot of people are interested in warcraft and if so they usually make them generic. If he does plan to leave what then? He could join the Alliance or more importantly the Ebony (not sure if that's the name of the faction Darius leads). Going solo is a viable choice then again he would have to deal with other factors like who to trust. That doesn't take into account what other races will think of now that Arthas made a super soldier of an already super soldier. Will he have access to void abilities or will it be more Fel magic with it? A great tool for writers, besides having editors, is to cluster your ideas. A good example would be a tree. It starts going straight but branches off to different parts, with those branching off on their own. That way you know if you want to head off in a different direction and know what the end goal is. Another problem with stories is that writers try to force romance in a story when it's not needed. You might have several reviewer's telling you otherwise but it all boils down to your choice. There's a saying "too many cooks in the kitchen will ruin the dish" which works with everything in general. Overall a good start and looking forward to more of this. Keep it up.
jonnyo98 chapter 2 . 9/8/2017
Well written, even if the chapters are a touch short. I look forward to seeing more :)