Reviews for Kagome's new life
Meenathequeen chapter 5 . 6/20/2018
to hell with it... find Inuyasha and Sesshomaru and let them have a threesome! now that would be interesting!
Anon chapter 5 . 3/14/2018
I always wondered what would have happened to the story if Kaedesama as young girl tossed Kikyo's ashes to the wind because she wanted her older sister to be free? And Kaedesama gave the villagers a vase full of fake ashes for their monument and shrine. What would be Inuyasha thinking and attitude toward Kikyo and Kagome be if kikyo was never resurrected? Would he treat Kagome differently? Would he gain closure? Would he have gotten Kagome a teacher to teach her about what her magic can do and help her to control her magic. The truth is Kagome is really walking talking ticking bomb. Her magic untrained and out of her control. The anime and fanfics never show her magical blow up when something pushes her to her breaking point then someone knocking her out to bring her to a stop because it devaites from the storyline.
tiffanyb123 chapter 5 . 3/11/2018
tiffanyb123 chapter 4 . 1/10/2018
Horse or dog one sounds good and so does the gangbang one.
Sgt. M00re chapter 4 . 1/10/2018
resort to animals,dogs.
EbonySkys chapter 3 . 1/9/2018 that was interesting. I kinda want to read more but at the same time I'm not sure i do lol
tiffanyb123 chapter 3 . 1/7/2018
i cant wait
Guest chapter 2 . 12/3/2017
How about thru blood. That was she come a demon and could possible still keep her holy powers.
Guest chapter 2 . 12/3/2017
Will powers allow her to convert others to followers of some kind? Like ironically making Sango a demon or having Kaede become young again?
Sgt. M00re chapter 2 . 12/2/2017
she should receive her powers from the semen of the demon.
cloud1993 chapter 2 . 12/2/2017
I vote for multiple demon ravish her for her to awaken her powers. Kagome getting gangbang sounds really hot! Keep up the good work!
baby-kitsune9 chapter 2 . 12/2/2017
i'd rather kagome stay the same.
MotherOfDragons1227 chapter 1 . 10/5/2017
I'm gonna have to vote demon sex
baby-kitsune9 chapter 1 . 9/27/2017
I dunno which one to pick.

and why would a demon slyer do such a thing?
skyates26 chapter 1 . 9/4/2017
demon sex but with inuyasha
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