Reviews for What does your heart say now
Stary Wylk chapter 3 . 11/24/2019
I liked it. I don't get involved in a story without liking at least one of the characters. I have long favored pairing Ranma and Ukyo for the simple reason that she seems to like him, unlike his other fiancees.
Sonic Wooten chapter 3 . 1/1/2018
I really enjoyed how this story has played out...Especially Ranma and Ukyo...I would LOVE to see this continued at some point...PLEASE...
Guest chapter 3 . 12/28/2017
I'm sorry, but this story is not a good story.
Guest chapter 2 . 8/31/2017
Вот интересно...
А о чём Нодока будет беседовать со своей племянницей?
Ей бы побеседовать с тремя людьми. Касуми - это первая. Акане - вторая персона. И её, Нодоки, сын - третья персона.
Kasumi надо просто напугать. Нодока должна объяснить той, что если она продолжит впредь разрешать Хибики приходить, да ещё с угрозами, к ним в дом, то на неё перенесут помолвку и её любовь к Оно будет прекращена. Её любимым родителем.
С Акане нужно поговорить серьёзно, очень строго, о лояльности. И - о том, что травить своей едой не следует. И что если она что-то не умеет, то пусть попросит помощи, чтобы научиться. Москва не сразу строилась. Научиться можно.
Ну а с Ранмой следует поговорить о чувстве собственного достоинства. О том, что не следует дозволять лезть к невесте другого человека.
И предупредить, что если Хибики будет игнорировать его требования, то Ранма должен сразу же поставить в известность свою мать. И тогда будут приняты меры!
И действительно принять эти меры. Вплоть до применения катаны на шее у наглого Хибики. Без фатальных последствий, разумеется.

Here it is interesting...
And about what Nodoka will talk to the niece?
To it to have a talk with three people. Kasumi is the first. Akane - the second person. And it, Nodoka, the son - the third person.
Kasumi should just be frightened. Nodoka has to explain to that that if she continues from now on to allow Hibiki to come moreover with threats, to them to the house, then will transfer an engagement and her love to Ono will be stopped. By her beloved parent.
With Akane it is necessary to talk seriously, very strictly, about loyalty. And - about what it isn't necessary to poison with the food. And that if she isn't able to do something, then let will ask the help to learn. Moscow wasn't built in a day. It is possible to learn.
And to Ranma it is necessary to talk about self-respect. About what shouldn't be permitted to climb to the bride of other person.
And to warn that if Hibiki ignores his requirements, then Ranma has to inform the mother at once. And then measures will be taken!
And really to take these measures. Up to application of a katana on a neck at impudent Hibiki. Without fatal consequences, certainly.
treavellergirl chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
The memories of this anime is kind of hazy, so what it is about is largely a huge blur. Even though it is so, this still manage to sound interesting - and where it might go. Martial artist and their (odd) families, and/or family ties, and how they work to unravel the mystery of how they are related sound like it will be very fun to read.
zekses chapter 1 . 8/29/2017
Has potential but hard to see where it's gonna go from here.