Reviews for A Love Like War
K2Lover2226 chapter 1 . 10/9/2019
I hope they end up together
anime4life2112 chapter 1 . 11/27/2018
Do you have plan to make a sequel whereby they get back together?
crashdownbabe chapter 1 . 10/9/2018
I don't understand how they don't get caught XD
That is ironic though that they make time for each other

THEY'RE FRIENDS OR THEY WERE!? The epic plot twist of centuries

Oh... Dexter knew. . Uhm ... awkward

Dammit Dexter you ruined everything

BC is a good sister

Oh m gosh
MeiganK chapter 1 . 12/20/2017
I loved this story so much! Please continue this as I'm hopeful from the ending that Blossom and Brick will up together
Guest chapter 1 . 10/14/2017
LW12 chapter 1 . 9/3/2017
It's ok
AnaHearts chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
I think the only negative thing I'll say is that the ending felt a little rushed for me. Nevertheless, your story's amazing! I really enjoyed it, especially how it was built on short scenes. I'll be waiting for your new material!
Carriedreamer chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
Oh this was painful to read but oh so good at the same time - angst is just like that what can I say. I am a very much " character" person- if I love the characters I could read all day and have the action stay in a single room and be perfectly content.

Your cast here was wonderful. Your characters were real and you could feel their pain and feelings as if we were watching a play.

Brick being the bad boy who nevertheless has a soft side. Blossom being the all too " perfect" young woman who nevertheless has a wil side and Dexter being the outwardly " perfect" boy who is revealed to have a true dark side in a way- that passive aggressive speech and his goopy sappy words in the beginning... perhaps it's a personal bias but he gave me a bad feeling- I'm glad Blossom clearly saw through it too.

But not before those passive aggressive rotten words got to Brick! God darn it! The angst is real- and it's an unfortunate but very realistic sort of ending.

The one who got away.

It's not something you see in a fanfiction or heck a lot of love stories as the end result- and whether or not you ever wish to. Continue this it's clear these two gave a lot of issues they'd need to sort out- because yes they mean the world to each other but is it a toxic world or is there an antidote hidden somewhere within. The only ending that genuinely would have upset me is if Dexter managed to weasel his way back in her good graces ( aka tried to get her into bed again) - on my second read through I started seeing him as a lot more manipulative than my first but again that might be personal bias on my end xD don't mind me

Over all this was a solid wonderful one shot- aching and poignant and yes it's open ended but it works. I liked the ending a lot but if the muse ever taps on your shoulder to add more to this then that's awesome of course xD

Over all - well done friend! Ce' Magnifique! Can't wait to see what your has planned next! :D

CuteVyper chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
It would be a really selfish request but could you continue this story please. Please please please with a cherry on top. You left me with som many hopes after that ending since they practically... can start the cycle again. And Brick stopping to be a fucking idiot and get the girl like he should have done from the beginning. I know it sounds really selfish but Im here like: 'Why Brick? Why do you have to be such a fucking idiot?!' And thinking about it, it was interesting that BC knew of the affair and (by the point of view of Brick) never said a thing. The good ol' beating I could see it coming but without a snarky talk from her is a bit... unfinished. But I can see you were only focused on the reds so thats understandable. Also, I find it a bit rushed. I understand the story is a one-shot but the sex scenes were feeling a bit vague and for me there were too many time-skips. We couldnt even see how Brick told Berserk to fuck off.
Dont missunderstand me please. It was a great angst one-shot since I practically felt the angst but I think you were being rushed while doing it. Good read none the less. Hope to read you soon.
STFUSAM chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
so they really don't get together? :(
Charlotte and Cookies chapter 1 . 8/30/2017
Awesome you please make another.
ROCuevas chapter 1 . 8/30/2017
Quite a good one-shot this was. Amazing job.