Reviews for Jealousy, Fighting and making up
Warriorcreed chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
I have become to hate them arguing on the show because nothing seems to get resolved, at least in your story the argument resulted in something good coming from it. I really liked how you had Amy and Bernadette help her with this and explained to her how life is too short to waste much time arguing. This was a nice short story, it covered a small event in Penny and Leonard's lives and provided enough information to satisfy the reader, like me, in the end. Good work.
CTR69 chapter 1 . 9/1/2017
Penny needs to be more confident. She should not become a battered wife, who comes back, begging for forgiveness. In my mind, she'll always be a free-spirited wildcat from early seasons.
katladyd chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
It was a Lenny story. What's not to love? (Penny is my favorite character to write dialogue for. She's so witty.). It was warm, heartfelt, and both the girls gave Penny some good advice. I loved that they made up at the end, but the stinker that I am, I would have had Leonard make Penny work a little harder for forgiveness.
SRAM chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Penny does take Leonard for granted so I could see the girls calling her out on it. I like the way you had the girls talking to her and what they had to say, then forcing her to talk to Leonard. The ending with him cutting his hand brought home to Penny how easy it was to lose him, which also pushed home to her how little time they actually have. Nice story for Leonard and Penny.
Zephon75 chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
Well i liked the ending and enjoyed the story, you brought up a subject that was annoying to watch in S10 having to see Lenny fight so much.
sladenoddy chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
I loved Bernadette's reminder of how Penny felt when Leonard was dating Oriya. So so wished they would have this sort Lenny fluff in the series. As Lorre, who seems to have gone senile and seems to think a bickering couple is funny?.
Great effort reply enjoyed this.
bamadude chapter 1 . 8/31/2017
This is very good and I could see it happening. Penny even in the show needs to remember what life was like without Leonard. He may not be tall, muscular or a sports stud, but he really loves her and will always treat her with respect and adoration. Her needs will always come first with him. Great job, I really enjoyed reading your stories.