Reviews for Extorted
maupe chapter 5 . 3/14/2014
Oh what a pity there is no sequel. The story leaves a shiver.
wolves2152 chapter 5 . 9/11/2011
Update soon please!

The plot is amazing in this story!
Mandanza chapter 5 . 11/21/2009
I thiught I hade grown tired of this genre, but I guess not! I Really enjoyed this story, and I hope I will be able to read the continuation ;)
Vampiress-Alexiel chapter 5 . 1/8/2006
aiie! There's no next button T_T hahaha

Great job! Hahah oh my gosh! Is Estel a spy? :D hahah woo don't forget this little story! :( it's really a good read!
E.Tphonehome chapter 5 . 11/9/2005
cherry Bomb,

I , Have had too much chocolate _
Dee69 chapter 5 . 3/24/2005
I just read your story please continue it is very interesting something total different form the norm.
claireydid chapter 5 . 5/21/2004
This is great, the torture scenes are so realistic they made me cry. The passion you have put between Estel and Legolas is also incredible. Please please keep writing!
Kenobisaqt chapter 5 . 5/10/2004
i love your story please update soon.
Marblez chapter 5 . 3/30/2004
write more, this story's wicked
tmelange chapter 5 . 1/22/2004
Great story. More soon, please.
Me chapter 5 . 11/26/2003
WHY DID YOU STOP? it was so good, and i love your original characters. I love Milford. He's absoloutely gorgeous.

You've also left such a huge cliffie! What was the letter that Estel sent? My bet is that Estel wasn't there entirely by accident, although it would be presumptuous to voice my guesses as to the reasons why.

I do hope you don't have writers block, or another nasty disease. I really want you to continue this. I'm loving it!

Your plot is original (which is impressive in itself) and your characters are so complew. The contradictions in Legolas's personality make the story much more real, and add depth to a character which is often portrayed as too shallow, or way too angsty.

Speaking of which, I love the lack of whining in your story. If I have to read another angst-ridden 10,0 word COMPLAINT I will eat worms just to rid myself of the distaste left in my mouth.

All in all, plz keep writing... this story is too precious and has too much potential to just forget about. Thank you.
The chapter 5 . 10/19/2003
You have *got* to continue and finish this story! I love the mystery, the budding romance, Milford and his elf-worship (which, admittedly, I have a thing for), the writing and descriptions. *Wah* I want more! Please?
Skitty-Kat chapter 5 . 10/15/2003
Oh man, is this going to be finished sometime? I know you're busy with other fics (which are great!) but I want to know what'll happen here. I did a fic for this challenge too, but I like your interpretation better. Very muchly.

Why is poor Legolas in the clutches of this evil, evil man? (Not that I'm complaining. You have an utter gift for Elf torture, you know.)

Please write more, please!

*on knees begging*
Shadafakup chapter 5 . 10/13/2003

Then again, I haven't reviewed in ages too..

Hmm, I printed out every chapter of the story except for chap1 because my printer ran out of ink.. My sister stole them from me and now she wants you to update too.. Heh, one extra person on your trail.. Don't you feel loved? *grin*

Anyway, no pressure, take your time to update.. I understand those damn writer blocks.. But oh dear, to have to make your readers wait so long, I've decided you must be evil..

OOh.. Mysterious person lurking in shadows soon to be reviewed eh..

N hnn, what exactly did our dear Estel do this time.. Anyway, bash him up some more.. Its good to see a little pain on both sides.. Hah, its just my saddistic tendencies speaking..

All the plot and character development have come up nicely so far.. Its interestin how Legolas finally got the courage to stand up for his slave.. And Im rather surprised that Ruskyn didn't whack his pretty face.. Lol..

Milford amuses me.. And you did research.. Go you..

Anyway, look forward to the next chapter and thanks for the thanks.. Hmm, that sounds grammatically incorrect but who cares..

*Smiles* See you soon..

Disappointed chapter 5 . 9/6/2003
At the beginning you promised it wasn't going to be *another* slave-Legolas fic, but that's what it really is. And all that elf-worship gets really tiring. It's hard to find originality in LOTR fics.
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