Reviews for Run it!
ObitoUchiha0508 chapter 10 . 4/12
Let them fight Goddamnit!
ObitoUchiha0508 chapter 8 . 4/12
Something's up for Alice to act this way. That towel head shit was hilarious. No offense to Indians.
ObitoUchiha0508 chapter 5 . 4/12
Wow. You made the lovable Alice a cunt.
H chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
It's bit confusing but I love it.
Tasia'sENDLESSDreams chapter 12 . 11/18/2017
I wanted to leave a review on every chapter so far, I really did. But I just kept pressing the NEXT button. I'm sorry, I'm impatient. I'm astounded this story only has 3 reviews after all your updating. I'm sure ill write you a novhiel soon, but for now just know how much I like this story.
Mayshea chapter 16 . 10/8/2017
Pretty good. I cried at the chapter eight :'(.
HolyPhilippineEmpire chapter 5 . 9/8/2017
Goodluck, your story is getting great!
HolyPhilippineEmpire chapter 1 . 9/8/2017
Hmm... your story is good yet it seems your chosen pairings are a bit... unwelcome to most of the current fandom here. Best wishes for your story!