Reviews for You had me at 'holoform'
SilverStorm5 chapter 39 . 5/19
Oh. My. Gosh. I can’t even. This is perfect. I’ll admit I’m a sucker for well written human to cybertronian fics. But this one is amazing. I absolutely love it
SilverStorm5 chapter 38 . 5/19
Literally made me tear up, that’s never happened with a story before. I know there’s one more chapter but I almost don’t want to read it because then it’ll be over. Lots of love for this story 3
Arcatamous chapter 39 . 4/27
This is one of the reasons why I love writing and I admire writers like you. Being able to bring tears and so many suppressed emotions out of me is what I want to be able to do for others. You had me laughing with their many hilarious time and crying when they were saying goodbye. It was heartbreaking, but mostly ethereal and beautiful. Your use of words just in the right way bring so much more meaning and emotions than even movies, which have the advantage of visual aspects. Maybe that is why many say that movies can never truly capture what is written. Readers are able to bring what they read to life within their own version, but a huge contribution comes from the language the author use, and only the best of best knows how to. I am saying this from the bottom of my "spark", you are a magnificent and breathtaking writer. Your writings are meant to be read and applaud. I have read many stories whether it's fanfiction or original - since I was 10 - and not many was able to capture my affection and admiration, but yours is one of them. Thank you for sharing your talented skills in a very fun way. Keep up the good work.
thecgw chapter 18 . 4/2
"It's just a precaution, Isobel," Groove says as he gently tugs the helmet onto my head and fastens the straps. "We can't risk any damage to your head. First Aid will have my plating if you're not in perfect shape when we get back." I am re-reading this thing and god you are good at subtle foreshadowing. I feel stupid for not realizing that this was you giving us fair warning for the end of this book and the beginning of the next.
Jaxrond chapter 11 . 4/1
Well dang, I need to get me a smooth Protectobot.
Jaxrond chapter 9 . 4/1
Omggggg Betrayal in the House on the Hill is on of my all time fav games and the mental image of Sides playing it is amazing. Thanks for that :)
Jaxrond chapter 4 . 4/1
I'm reading this during quarantine and dang we could really use Aid and Rachet right about now. I forgot how much I love this fic!
xChaoticShadowx chapter 39 . 3/25
I technically discovered the sequel before this, so I knew somewhat how it would all work out in the end and I can say for sure that this has not disappointed me.
These are the kinds of stories that I brave fanfiction for, the kind I spend countless hours scouring through stories looking for the ones that truly shine. Excellent work, this is going on my favorites as well as the sequel I’m about to dive into. You’ve done the world a service. This is publish-level quality, something deserving of a hardback version.

I’ll pop in again after the sequel.
ImpartingAbyss chapter 39 . 12/19/2019
This will always be my favorite story ever! OMG I cried SO MUUUCH!
Sakura Hatsu chapter 39 . 1/7/2019
Yes! I can't decide if this girl has good luck or bad luck seriously! Awesome fic is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing it!
Sakura Hatsu chapter 38 . 1/7/2019
I panicked a little with "the end" and then remembered the next chapter! You are such an epic writer!
Sakura Hatsu chapter 37 . 1/7/2019
Omg! I am crying she even get that before them! They were so happy about it and she didn't want to be the rain.
Sakura Hatsu chapter 36 . 1/6/2019
Well this is epic! I can see their happy faces!
Sakura Hatsu chapter 35 . 1/6/2019
How many were needed to do that to Megatron?! He is cybertronian monster!
Sakura Hatsu chapter 34 . 1/6/2019
Yup this girls deserve a big party!
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