Reviews for Not Your Mom
Guest chapter 3 . 7/25
Woah, this is honestly one of the most original fanfics. It's absolutely great! Thanks for sharing it! :)
Thatevilbadguy chapter 3 . 7/22
This is soooo good
Altiria-Aty chapter 1 . 2/3
this is interesting as shit! the premise is drool worthy! oh man gawd!
AmericanNidiot chapter 3 . 8/30/2019
This story has promise... I look forward to seeing this continue. It also gave me an idea for an FMA fic.
Guest chapter 3 . 7/9/2019
Nice, I would love to
The true Hero of Skill chapter 3 . 6/17/2019
wish to see more!
Heitor chapter 3 . 2/19/2019
Hi calcu22,
... I usually talk a little at the start of the review but i have nothing to say... Happy New Year! Well, let's just start It.

- "First there was light brown skin, than black hair with red highlights that was fading from four month without applying. Followed by narrow dark brown eyes, along with a button nose. Before Lola knew it, she was looking at she was pulled backwards by shadowy tentacle arms. ": So... Lola saw truth and can do Alchemy without circles and all that? Not that i have a clue what she will do with being able of doing that. She doesn't seem like she would join the federal alchemist if she could, or any of the military for that matter (not that they would be the only options but are the ones that are closer to the plot and comes to mind first) and i couldn't think of anything she could want to do during the story other than maybe waiting for the day Father would open the gate so she could try punching god.

- "He woke up figuring he failed, but somehow it was worst knowing how close they got. The only thing they messed up was the soul, but if they figured that out-": i wonder if he actually will be planing to try to fix that , like, even if never actually do it, i wonder if he would be trying to think of a way to do it in his head during his POV when he isn't interacting with anybody, like waiting the train araive in the destinaria, or when he was laying in the couch doing nothing until Al tell him that Ross was said to have kill Maes, until something interropt him or change topic or he start to think of what would happen with Lola if he realy do It. It maybe wouldn't go somewhere but i think it could be interesting to see his thoughts on wants to revive mother vs worry about Lola if he get it right.

- ""Hell Yes! I can give you whatever amount of cash you want. Just state the amount and i'll wire you up babe": ...I am curious of why an other universe god would want cash from some race of some world in somewhere in a galaxy that is just there in space. I mean, they could want it for some reason, but i am curious of how she reached that conclusion, and how much reviving would cost?

- "So Lola can get her tattoos back." Best plot ever.

- "I'm not sure if I'll keep up the alternating pov chapters like I originally planned." I particular like seeing the POV of other characters to see how are the world now (If there was any changes due the nee character) and what they think of It, but i don't think it is necessary do It all the time. I think we could mainly follow Lola POV and after/before some major thing happened (like Maes death in canon) and during a major event (like the chase after the Ice alchemist in the First episode of Brothers) we could follow different characters at time, seeing How each one handle the situation.

That's all for now, i guess, nothing realy happened yet, so there isn't much to talk about until next chapter.
(PS: looking foward for the rewritte of Sun Wukong, whenever that happen)

Until next chapter,
Gogglegirl chapter 3 . 1/6/2019
YES, an update! This story is so AWESOME! :D
I like Lola. She is interesting!
lizyeh2000 chapter 3 . 1/5/2019
It’s the start of everything! Thanks for updating! I wonder how they’d react if they found out the truth would she become experimented on
xyberblood chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
now this is interesting i really want to see where this goes and what the fck will lola do when by herself will she even stay with them?
Blacksword Zero chapter 3 . 1/3/2019
Good chapter!
BlackDove WhiteDove chapter 4 . 1/2/2019
My gosh this is amazing. Thank you so much for the update! I really like Lola
DannyPhantom619 chapter 3 . 1/2/2019
Well this was an amazing chapter. Glad to see Lola stand up for Ed & Al
Savage Kill chapter 3 . 1/2/2019
Well Lola seems to be a somewhat nice person, I have a feeling that Ed is going to learn some things from her without even knowing about it.

Do love on how you made a different point of view for a chapter!

Update soon!
LPWomer chapter 3 . 1/2/2019
Love this!~
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