Reviews for In the Name of the Father
mrspencil chapter 13 . 9/3/2019
You have created a rich and vivid history for young Peter here. Some lovely, and heartbreaking, glimpses of family life, with innocence chipped away by circumstance. Alfie comes across as a mix between villain and family support...a careful line to tread, and the interactions with the Lévine family comes across as warm and natural. Very well penned:-)
icyglass431 chapter 13 . 3/7/2019
It's been awhile since I read the story, so please don't be angry if I miss anything out. As you may have already noticed when reading my stories, my absolute favourite character of our heroes is Newkirk. I just love the actor, Richard Dawson, and I find Newkirk an incredible intriguing character, with so much exploring potential. And this is of course something I like very much as a fanfiction writer.
First of all, I love your portrayal of Peter as a big brother. He's so caring for his sisters, and that as such a young age. I also think you have written the relationship between him and his mother absolutely fantastic. You can really feel that they are both unhappy with the situation between them and Freddy, and how they somehow give each other security.
I loved how you incorporated Alfie in the story as someone who cares for Peter. When he appeared in the show, I always thought that the way Newkirk treated him showed his great affection for the man - more than if he was just someone that had taught him how to pick pockets. And when I read your story, I really could see how this was the reason for Newkirk's caring reaction towards Alfie when he came to Stalag 13.
And now, to the "main" relationship of the story: the one of father and son. I loved the way you depicted Peter's behaviour towards his father. On the one hand, he doesn't like it when his father wants him to steal something, and on the other hand, he still does it. Because he wants to support his family. And the moment his father was arrested sure shaped him for the future. To see your father being brought away by the police at such a young age leaves a mark behind. I have to say, you really had a plot-twist at the end for me! I read the whole story thinking it would end badly between Peter and his father; especially when Freddy was arrested. But the ending sent a warmth through my body and brought me almost to tears. Such a great story!
BTW, I love your writing style. Always paying attention to the little things without making it too much description or without making the reading flow suffer. Please continue! I can't wait for your next story!
Tiny1217 chapter 13 . 2/22/2019
What an interesting look into Peter Newkirk's childhood. Good attention to detail. And I liked the happy ending. I hope you do write another!
L. E. Wigman chapter 13 . 2/3/2019
It's been awhile since I'd sat down and read this one. I loved it as much this time around as I did when you started in 2017. It's so heartbreaking and sad, but the last chapter ended on a hopeful note. I doubt this will be permanent, but the Newkirk's are due a respite - no matter how brief.

The one thing I truly loved about this story is the detail. I don't feel like I'm reading about the life of a young, East End boy; I feel like I'm a part of his life and a part of his world. The details about the pubs and the streets they burgled. The Jewish family and their Shabbos traditions. It all melded together to create a rich and vivid picture of his life, pre-war.

Thank you for writing and sharing the experience with us, and I cannot wait to see what lies in store for teen-aged Peter and his family.
Tuttle4077 chapter 13 . 1/19/2019
Finally got back to picking up this story again, and I enjoyed the last few chapters. One would hope that a stint in prison and a good woman's love would bring Freddy back around, but that's too much to ask, isn't it?

This backstory you've created for Peter is practically perfect and certainly fits with what we see in the show. Good jorbs all around.
dust on the wind chapter 13 . 1/3/2019
Oh, my, what a satisfying ending. I wasn't sure where you were going with it, but its's such a good feeling, after so much trouble, to see a rapprochement established between Peter and his father.

The support and love provided by the rest of the family and friends may not take away the hurt, but it's as comforting for the reader as it is for Peter and his mum.

I really like how you have created such a rich and convincing background for Peter's troubled relationship with his father to play out. These last few chapters maintain the details - the difficulties of providing for an ever expanding family (especially once Freddy's banged up); Christmas, still festive in spite of its sparse indulgences and simple, inexpensive presents; even the bully Frank - it's a rare insight that even though Peter bests him, he still feels defeated.

Thanks for taking the time to complete a story which has been a pleasure from start to finish.

I look forward
2lieutenant chapter 13 . 1/3/2019
I love the imagery in your stories. You use such descriptive languages and vivid words. Your verbs are colorful and expressive. The quality and detail of your writing is very impressive. The way you construct your sentences really brings out the full impact of what each character is feeling. Very well done.
Six of Twelve chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
Good story. Well written and believable. Nice to see how Newkirk knew Alfie the Artist.
Fear-Of-The-Cold chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
First off - I love Newkirk backstories. I like that you chose to explore his childhood, and the way you incorporated aspects of his adult personality such as his quick wit and underlying good heart. I’m very excited to see where you take this with the next instalment, particularly in light of some of the other Alfred Burke stories you have posted recently.
Also very impressed with the amount of research you have put in (or maybe it was prior knowledge but still), it’s clear you put a lot of effort into making the story as authentic as possible. Lovely story, can’t wait for the next one.
NickTonyK chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
Really enjoyed! Look forward to your next story!
snooky-9093 chapter 13 . 1/2/2019
To be released from jail to find out about his father is tragic. Had tears in my eyes at the end. I do hope his father turns a new leaf. Great story.
dust on the wind chapter 10 . 1/1/2019
Nice to see more of Alfie - and that Freddy and Ernie got their comeuppance (although the moral side of it still seems lost on young Peter). If a child must have a criminal for a role model, Alfie's certainly the best one to choose.

Your "histoire" is diverging from the back-story I've imagined for the Newkirks (I've always imagined Bert as more of an "Arthur Daley" type than an outright villain), but that's exactly as it should be, and the picture you're painting is wonderfully rich, and quite heart-breaking.

I love Peter's reasoning about the "wages of sin", although it also gave me a bit of a chill, given the source of the reference.
Glossina chapter 13 . 12/31/2018
This is an excellent story. It explains Newkirk's protectiveness towards his friends very well.
snooky-9093 chapter 12 . 12/29/2018
You’re welcome! Yes, Chanukah gelt (as it’s called) is a beloved gift, especially if it’s chocolate. The horrors of Tge Great war lasted long after the soldiers came home. And not only the soldiers suffered.

This was a nice slice of life chapter; although the fight, leaving Peter still feel defeated, was a sad scene.
snooky-9093 chapter 11 . 12/29/2018
Mary is such a sympathetic character, and strong as well. Her advice she tells Peter about kind people (it’s hard to ask for help) stands out.
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