Reviews for It's Soldier House!
kyoukirishima chapter 1 . 7/30
It would be great if you could continue this story
arwaotaku chapter 7 . 4/4
where is the continuation of the story?
Kcarlas chapter 7 . 2/22/2019
Pleaseeeee update
Karla v chapter 5 . 2/21/2019
Potochan chapter 7 . 9/19/2018
Those bonus xd 10/10 great chapter like always
OddM chapter 7 . 6/19/2018
Too late, sorry, my bad.
I have to say that I had the same reaction as Umi and Eli when Yoshiko said that she wasn't going out with Riko! But I think that sometimes it works better jajajajajaja
Also, Nico is the best giving a surprise xD
And I'm still saying, I loved how it works with Eli and Umi, and how silly is Elichika jajajajajajaja
llodaeki chapter 7 . 5/1/2018
They are so hilarious! THESE GIRL ARE DORK
I read this after my streesful day and it make my day.
Shamless Muse's member Sonoda Umi *CONFIRMED*
For having a though that someone who having an ability to pick a lock would choose to peek while her changing ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡)
Nico's first appearing BOOMMM 10 out of 10 HAHAHAHA

Thanks for your hard work Author-San.
BrilliantlyReckless chapter 7 . 4/26/2018
Just where did Eli learn how to pick locks?!
K.Yahiro chapter 7 . 4/26/2018
Yey umieli..Banzai... XD
good weapon nico good job "maki married me" I can imagine how the face maki at that time and nico you to argue with papa maki, do not lose papa XD
Sending messages at 1 pm and discussing things that are not useful, Nice eli XD
and your useless ability to save the almost broken relationship, applaud # plok-plok-plok
I'm waiting for the next story .. see you~~
ArcWarden1 chapter 7 . 4/25/2018
in this chapter: eli is a useful dork

Lol31 chapter 6 . 4/5/2018
Argh... I want eliumi because it's my first otp, but beside me also want kotoumi happy, whyy ..? okay i will accept any decision from you writer, i will wait for next chapter.. see you... :D
llodaeki chapter 6 . 3/26/2018
It's been long since your last update, Im glad you managed to write this again. Love your Eliumi they are cute af. Cant wait to see NICOOOOOOOOO
mumusang chapter 6 . 3/25/2018
Hehehe, this chapter makes me grin so bad, jealous Umi is so cute. Im curious what next, since they finally realized somthing(?) Umi seems like dont wanna accept it, though.

6 chapters passed eventually next chapter we can have the Number Idol here! Im so happy for Maki Hahaha.
OddM chapter 6 . 3/24/2018
You, dear author, are such a genius! I have a lot of feelings right now, even thinking I read the chapter yesterday.
I can assure you this is my favorite fic!
I mean, I love a lot of things that you put in here, like how bully is Umi with Eli and the differences between them and their other friendships. You can put a silly smile in my face jajajajaja
I have told you before, but I love so much this Umi :3
You made the situations and the characters so real and touchy.

Now, about the chapter, I didn't expect any situation, but all of them were brilliant.
And finally I know who is the person Umi WAS in love :3 I hope you can put a little of the history of them, I how did Umi discover her feeling.
About Eli, she is so dense xD and when she said that maybe she has feelings for Umi, I screamed like a crazy fangirlD
Even though I don't like this much Nozomi, I like a lot this Nozomi 3
I will be waiting for Nico and how Maki reacts

Well, this is my longest review, but it was necessary. I will be looking forward your return, and I hope you can solve of your troubles and be happy or at least calm :3
Thanks for this chapter!
(Sorry my bad english, it's not my mother language)
PileMimo chapter 6 . 3/23/2018
I really loved it!
UmiEli FTW!
Thanks for the good work
I need more hehe
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