Reviews for Naruto Redefined
Cranky Monkey 699 chapter 2 . 10/10/2019
Ascent not accent. He is ascending to new heights not speaking in a British accent lol
Zabzab chapter 8 . 12/14/2018
This is a load of bullshit of the worst kind. There is so many things wrong here I will only give you one.


No, don't answer that. You'll give my something soapy and stupid, that will make me want to strangle you through my internet connection. Something like "well she is trusting her daughter," or I don't know what other absolute imbecility.

Your ENTIRE plot is based on the UTTERLY RETARDED fact that Naruto was not brought to the competent authorities, or at least that the competent authorities were not warned about his existence. Your ENTIRE plot is based on a completely stupid decision by a kid who is eleven, decision her mother somehow support. What kind of loopy fucking land have I entered?
Zabzab chapter 4 . 12/14/2018
I'm trying to not bang my head against my desk here, and your story is really not helping.

For god's sake, yeah, let's not report a young abandoned child to the fucking competent authorities and let's let a eleven y.o girl with no relevant experience play psychologist for the wild kid.

Jeebus, it reeks of "let's try and advance MY plot despite reason, logic, and all that kind of irrelevant things that make human human", hopefully the readers won't notice this is bullshit.

Nicely written but man, way to NOT push your plot forward.
MoonlightDoom chapter 18 . 12/13/2018
we're going to wait till you rewrite this one to move on on the next? aww man this is so sad. I was actually happy there was a new chapter x'D...
Guest chapter 15 . 12/7/2018
Omg I can't believe I was so foolish, of course waki is nawaki hot damn
Guest chapter 15 . 12/7/2018
I am so glad you are dividing the paragraphs now. It was really tiresome reading all this without real divisions. Either way, your Fanfic is beautiful please keep it up
Guest chapter 6 . 12/6/2018
this is way too cute
I'm SO glad I found this fanfic
MoonlightDoom chapter 17 . 12/7/2018
O my god what the hell
You need to update
Guest chapter 11 . 11/22/2018
So, you decided to make Itachi into a REAL psychopath in this universe?
WriteGameSaitama chapter 14 . 11/24/2018
I love the story but its moving too slow. have a time skip to when naruto and his generation are genin
WriteGameSaitama chapter 9 . 11/23/2018
Nawaki is awesome wood style with healing prowess as expected. dooe
helrio uzugaku chapter 15 . 11/12/2018
Damn impressive work, top tier compared to most others. I've definitely enjoyed the fic so far. But if it is possible could I take a look at any notes you have on Naruto's state of mind from before he met Hana. If you have any. I've been toying around with the idea of Naruto being found and adopted by a panther summon clan and feel the mentality you gave him at the beginning would best fit what I want to portray.

I've been taken by all the roundabout turns you've made in this fic, it's incredibly rare when I get surprised by what I read nowadays but I can genuinely say with enthusiasm it shocked the hell out of me when you made Itachi so mentally unstable, being the only way i know how to describe it. And bringing Nawaki in the way you did! HA! I'm still berating myself for not seeing it! You only left out two letters of his name and it went completely over my head even after seeing the character tags.

I loved the runaround with Anko's team a few chapters ago, but looking back on it doesn't Naruto seem a tad less resourceful now? He was pretty much learning everything through trial and error including how reflective metals can be used to blind and distract an opponent. How to use sharp objects and even skin an animal. Very detailed by the way.

But now it just seems kinda slow.

The only real complaint I have for this fic is the few missing quotation marks scattered throughout the chapters. Not enough to be problematic but enough to be slightly irritating.

I hole to see more of this in the future. Again, excellent work, I don't think I've read a fic like this as well done as this one is.
BobSmith chapter 14 . 10/12/2018
ok I like your story except for one small fact , how in the fucking world does the Hokage not know that Naruto is gone , I understand him not noticing right away but he would have noticed if naruto just up and disappeared
tanzar81 chapter 1 . 10/11/2018
Your giving a four year old way to much credit. But it's fanfiction and i need a good fic. So 8m gonna overlook it.
zerkses chapter 14 . 9/26/2018
Wow great story keep it up.
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