Reviews for Deck of Heroes
Karma206969 chapter 5 . 7/26
This story must be really horrible if you haven’t updated it with more story (that isn’t just plain author’s notes) for a full TWO years~! LOL
silverblade10101 chapter 5 . 6/27
I really hope you haven't forgotten about this story. I really enjoy reading it. please continue this. I'm curious if Jack will actually get that shark.
Borello chapter 5 . 5/29
the story is really good. i hoped to read more chapter.
Ryu wolf chapter 5 . 5/26
Nice job with this chapter
sir brocktree chapter 5 . 5/26
You Dead?
Ryu wolf chapter 5 . 5/22
Awesome job with this story so far I can’t wait to read the next chapter
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 5 . 4/9
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 2 . 4/9
interestingly, the Jack the ripper summoned might not be the true form of Jack the ripper. You summon a form created from the amalgamation of the dead fetuses Jack the ripper killed, made possible by the legend of a "serial killer without an identity."
dustinlemque chapter 5 . 3/30
where is the next chapter of this story please
Kami No Sekai chapter 5 . 3/26
Next next next
Genesis09 chapter 5 . 2/27
I'm hoping, but assuming that this story has been abandoned. I'm adding it to my follow list just in case but I'll probably end up removing it eventually when no updates come through. I hope whoever was in the hospital is better and things are going well for you. Peace

Naruto dodges Madara light speed attack point blank. And Guy could move fast enough to warp space, and Naruto is moving fast enough to out pace Madara
ChubbyNingen chapter 5 . 1/18
Sir, please update and continue I’m an avid player of FGO and love the elements you can include, also why not give him just a massive harem?
copet chapter 5 . 1/16
Haha, the interactions between Naruto and the heroes make for quite the story. It's really interesting. :)
chris chapter 5 . 11/4/2019
keep up the great work im wondering when will the next few chapters be coming out im wonderig will naruto meet tiamat.
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