Reviews for The students of Shiketsu high
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 13 . 7/6
Very nice work with Hisashi here; Izuku definitely inherited LOTS of his personality.

And yeah, considering all the stuff Endeavor has done, it's obvious he'd end in court at some point, and the only way he'd still keep his job and rank would be by underhanded methods.

Keep the good writing.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/6
Nice chapter! I'm really curious to see how things will go from here.
Alostdonkey chapter 12 . 6/10
Whhhaaaattttt?! His dad was an alumni and supports him?
LionComet chapter 12 . 6/9
Who said I dropped it. wanted to see how far you can run with this and i am currently enjoying this.
ndjjdjsujsj chapter 5 . 6/9
There's so much going on with so many different characters all at once it's hard to keep track,lovely writing but it's too much for my liking
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 12 . 6/9
Very cool job in this one. Yeah, Izuku is finally realizing what a good hero he can be without a quirk.

Keep the good writing.
Qwho chapter 2 . 6/9
hahahaha Fourth wall breaks and a fourth wall break lol
Sabrinabella chapter 11 . 5/12
i like it D
hâte de lire la suite ;)
good luck XD
fencer29 chapter 11 . 4/26
Why would Arata use real swords to chase Midoriya? Because the boy wouldn't have reacted the same had he known they were fake (besides, it's not like Arata would have actually given him more than a shallow cut - an injury that would take more than a few days to heal would be too counterproductive).

And going back to the first chapter, there's nothing there which would have precluded Midoriya from having used Uraraka's assistance to get up to that switch on the zero-pointer (it's not likely that Power Loader would have put it easily within reach). And had he done that he wouldn't have had to ruin that lovely sword (which is now probably a symbol for him - people probably wonder why he has a broken sword hanging on the wall of his dorm room)
natza chapter 11 . 4/23
Great chapter! Can’t wait for the next one! Just a few minor tweaks on grammar here and there but otherwise it was basically flawless! Keep it up!
LionComet chapter 1 . 4/23
Too manu OC's going to be hard to track all of the. and their quirks
Qwho chapter 6 . 4/14
bastard is a child without dad
fencer29 chapter 10 . 3/23
How - he simply has to find the robots' off switch (I wonder if they could be programmed to tell him where to look if he asked nicely? No one would ever think of that).
DarkCielo27 chapter 9 . 2/20
Is it wrong that I want Izuku to kick Arata where the sun doesn’t shine?
Alostdonkey chapter 9 . 2/20
HELL YEAH! This updated! I’m excited to see how you continue it if you chose to do so
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