Reviews for Awakening of a Stigma
Draconic chapter 1 . 2/16
This whole chapter felt rushed, and the present tense didn’t help. I can see a story worth telling here, but I think you need an editor, and one who stands up to you, at that.

The editor who doesn’t always let you do what you want is generally the best kind.
knightblazer85 chapter 9 . 1/5
i like the story so far but 1 issue.

the attack on garrellia fortress by the liberation front didnt happen until the end of the legram field study in august
JohnJoestar17 chapter 25 . 12/11/2019
Not gonna lie, this chapter kind of left me unsatisfied. You'd think the fights with the Loewe clones would be a lot more intense, but they're just glossed over with few details beyond dialogue. I'll give you credit for upping the stakes with Weissmann summoning the Aureole, though.

P.s. I still find the decision for Estelle and Joshua to fight in different groups to be questionable at best.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 24 . 9/15/2019
Well, things took a turn for the better with Cassius showing up (and he's the real guy too)! I'm kind of miffed by the fact Estelle didn't jump on the chance to fight alongside her dad and boyfriend, but I'll withhold judgement for now and see how the battle turns out. With both Cassius and Victor present, looks like things aren't as hopeless as before.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 23 . 9/8/2019
Let me get this out of the way by saying that having an army of Loewes appearing in Phantasma is something I didn't expect, but makes perfect sense considering the nature of the realm. Now...FUCK Weissmann. He's already done a bunch of terrible shit in canon, and now he's here to make everyone miserable (and probably even bitter at Ouroboros for tossing him aside). Giving a petty vindictive manlet like that unlimited power (at least within Phantasma) is a recipe for disaster. I'm definitely hooked, both for how the fight against the Loewe clone army will end and for Weissmann to get his ass kicked again. Maybe Joshua can join in on the beatdown this time around. As for the mystery mustached way, is that CASSIUS BRIGHT? Isn't he back in Liberl? Or is this the Phantasma copy Kevin fought during the 3rd? Now I'm definitely looking forward to how the events will unfold. On a side note, I wasn't aware Vandyck knows about Thomas' true identity. Maybe I missed something during my playthroughs for Cold Steels 1 and 2.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 22 . 9/1/2019
Oh...shit. To me, it seems like Weissmann managed to hijack the Recluse Cube from Celeste who intended to shut it down. Whatever this implies, it's extremely bad news. Did McBurn and the others get dragged in as well? Whatever happens next, it's clear that things are going to get "interesting".
JohnJoestar17 chapter 21 . 7/31/2019
A clash like this definitely deserves and entire chapter dedicated to it. Good old Gilbert making an ass out of himself as always, and Duvalie is no slouch. Now that Richard joined the fight, things are going to be interesting.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 20 . 7/31/2019
Zin and Olivier save the day (or not quite yet)! Looks like the battle is getting more interesting. I almost feel bad for the jaegers. Almost.

P.s. For some reason I read Angelica's line as "You're huge, that means you have huge guts" the first time around.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 19 . 7/31/2019
Nice! Looks like we're in for one hell of a showdown. Out of the three groups, I'm worried about Towa and Angelica the most. Hopefully everyone will do fine across the 3 fronts and that the student body can spring into action.
Vampuric Spider chapter 20 . 7/14/2019
Love the amount of description you put into each battle and how everyone is in character. The taunts are great as well. The best part is imagining epic music accompanying each contest and I love that. Also hopping for Gilbert to be hit by Estlle or punished by you know who. Anyway so excited for the next chapter.
Vampuric Spider chapter 19 . 7/6/2019
Nice update. Cannot wait to see where it goes from here.
Vampuric Spider chapter 18 . 7/1/2019
Really like where this story is going. Love the details and the fact that the best characters are included. Just one question in the part that reveals Vita's plan you write fortune which implies a good thing is happening. I was wondering if you meant misfortune since it is Ouroboros making a move and my understanding is they are the antagonists of this story. All and all great job and look forward to the exciting battle.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 18 . 6/30/2019
Huh? Class 7 is already doing the Roer field study? On a side note, I'm glad you decided to only gloss over it since it seems like the events weren't that different from canon. I'm also pleasantly surprise how quickly Rogner came into the fold.

Great, Gilbert's involved? This is going to be a hilarious train wreck to read about. With this many characters gathered in one place, looks like we have the setup for an epic battle.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 17 . 6/23/2019
Wow, this is really shaping up to be a Trails in the Sky reunion. All we're missing is Kloe, Julia (who're understandably busy with royal stuff back in Liberl), and Jossette. It looks like Olivert is well on his way to nip the Imperial Civil War in the bud, and I hope his coup(?) against Osborne will work out too.
JohnJoestar17 chapter 16 . 3/3/2019
Whoa, Ouroboros is definitely going full force in Erebonia. That's a good save by Kevin, Rean, and Sara. I love how both Kevin and Sara have a flair for the dramatic and try to teach/corrupt Rean to do the same. I can tell thing are going to get interesting from this point on...
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