Reviews for Decisions, Accidents and Motherhood
Agapeanthos chapter 1 . 9/25/2019
So sweet and how I wish the story would have gone.
preached chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Love the story! Would there be an update to this? chapter 1 . 3/2/2019
Awwwww so cute
ipsa dixit chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
this is my favorite au and i lOVE this fic a lot. i love the little scenes with the two of them and the canon feel to the whole story - the characters were very in character :) amazing job. this was so great :')
WritingBlock chapter 1 . 11/1/2017
This is just so cute! I love the fact that you had Minerva resign from her position instead of continuing to teach and be a parent at the same time. (Not that parents can't do both, it just seems harder to teach at a magical school while still taking care of a child the way that they need to be taken care of. House elves might work for some, but they can never truly replace a parent.)
The tantrums that Harry threw brought back memories from my babysitting days and they made me smile. You captured the child spirit perfectly here!
AlwaysPadfoot chapter 1 . 10/31/2017
More Minnie More Minnie!

Gah this was so perfect. I need some good Minnie raises Harry in my life because it’s perfect. No woman would let Dumbedore just leave a one year old on the doorstep of a house.

The porridge segment was absolutely hysterical but what I really loved is the way the final few paragraphs played out. The way Harry wants to please Min so he dutifully eats his crusts and that she has all these wonderful drawings. The dragon nightlight was a beautiful touch as well.

Perfect as always. Love xx
NeonDomino chapter 1 . 10/31/2017
Another perfect fic. I just wish that this was canon, with Minerva raising Harry. I love your characterisations here, Minerva taking the initiative to return and get Harry, and Albus not even bothering to check up on him until months later.

This flowed nicely and I like how you showed him growing up in Minerva's care. His behaviour was fitting of his age (some people write babies who can have full blown conversations and I just can't...) which was nice to read because you obviously considered how a child would act at each age.

There was a point where Minerva called Harry 'Mr. Potter' which felt really out of place seeing as she had raised Harry as her own and wouldn't use such a formality for him.

Excellent work once again.
isaacswolfsbane chapter 1 . 10/30/2017
This was absolutely adorable. I love seeing the more mothering side of Minnie coming out in full force, and it's always nice to read fics where Harry wasn't forced to live with the Dursleys.

Your Harry was so cute, too. I love how happy and carefree he is now he's actually in a loving home, but then there's still that stubbornness and need to protect people that we know from canon (which he totally has more of now from Minnie).

The way you set it up was awesome, too. The friendship between Minnie and Albus being challenged by Minnie's observations was brilliant. I did always wonder why she didn't try harder to get Harry to somewhere else because it was clear to see that the Dursleys were awful.

Great job :)
DobbyRocksSocks chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
First of all - YES MINERVA!
Now that that's out of my system, I'll actually review. So this is brilliant. I love the idea of Minerva just being like, Screw you, Albus, I'mma keeping him myself. I love that!
I also really liked that you changed Harry's personality to fit a child being brought up in a loving home. The ending is adorable! And that Harry calls her Min... just all the aww's.
I really, really like this one, it's all the adorable's, and also Albus babysitting because he realised he was wrong.
This just gives me feels.
Fire The Canon chapter 1 . 10/28/2017
I had mixed emotions reading this. First of all, complete and utter adoration, because parent-child fics (or the likes in this case) are my favourite thing ever. They steal my heart like nothing else and I just... gah! Such beautifulness!

My other emotion, I admit, was frustration at Minerva in the beginning. I think because we know WHY Albus left Harry there (the blood stuff) I was like, Dumbledore kinda does know what he's doing, just trust him. In saying that, however, in this instant, Harry definitely had a much better, much happier life.

I like that she did it without Albus knowing to begin with. And, the Dursleys were probably blissfully happy in their own stuck-up world to have even given a thought to it.

I really enjoyed your descriptions of the Dursleys at the beginning. Ut described them perfectly haha.

Well done!
MaryandMerlin chapter 1 . 10/28/2017
At first I wasn’t sure if this was going to go down the path of Minnie getting accidentally preggers (loving all the Minnie love btw), but I’m so pleased it didn’t. I’ve iften thought she would make a good Mam and it was a shame she never got the chance but I really wish this had happened in canon because then Harry wouldn’t be so traumatised! He would have had a normal, happy little childhood.
The only thing that bugged me was again just the space with the dashes. Like Boy - Who - Lived, should just be boy-who-lived. Again sorry if that’s just cause of my stupid mobile.
Another fantastic story. Well done! :)
Cheeky Slytherin Lass chapter 1 . 10/27/2017
This was such an interesting read. I've seen plenty of stories where so and so raises Harry, but I don't think I've ever seen anything where Minerva has. To be honest, I kind of wish I had more fics like this to read because Minnie would be such a badass mum.

I really like that you didn't just highlight the joys of raising a child. You showed how gritty it can be sometimes. That added an extra depth to this fic that many sometimes lack.

The love that Minerva has for Harry shows through so perfectly here. From her initial concern to much later in the story. It worked so nicely, and you made it believable.

Such a sweet fic. I loved it so much. Well done
The Crownless Queen chapter 1 . 10/27/2017
Aww, I love fics where Harry grows up with someone other than the Dursleys (literally anyone else :p), and this was wonderful! I loved your Minerva in this, and Harry was such an adorable if annoying kid :') It was so interesting to see him as he could have been had he grown up with someone who loved him :')
Not sure I buy into the whole powerful magic thing, but I loved it nonetheless :p The porridge fight scene was cute and funny, and I loved the way you managed to convey Harry's emotions perfectly when he caused to Minerva to get hurt when his magic reacted to his anger and frustration.
Lovely work :)
Cheers! :)
The Feisty Rogue chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
I'm currently in the process of completing fan faves, and the moment I saw your word count, I thought 'oh Merlin, 3000 plus words... here we go.'
Never have I been more delighted to have been proved wrong. In this I have discovered a fic that I not only enjoyed, but genuinely loved. This is something that I would have joyfully read independent of whatever forum I am part of. From the very start this put a smile upon my face. This is the kind of Minerva-centric fic that I crave. She is strong, forthright and brilliantly stubborn, and I am so relived that instead of accepting Albus' word, she took Harry with her that night. Abandoning Harry to the Dursleys is such an integral part of the HP-verse, and yet it's biggest flaw, in my opinion, one that JK really struggled to correct in later fics. The Minerva of book seven would have scoffed at Albus, turned him into a frog, and marched off with Harry, head held high! This is a much more accurate, and adorable representation of how I would have liked that to have gone. Harry here is also a sweetheart, with all of that typical Potter mischief too!
And, ofc, I am a total sucker for Save Harry From the Durselys!fics, so really, you could not have played more to my strengths. I am now very eager to read the rest of your fics!
Emiliya Wolfe chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
I love your main concept and the idea behind it, but I just couldn't get into this fic. Namely because of how whiny and tantrum-y Harry is. I can't imagine McGonagall putting up with that, and the phase should have passed long before he was eight years old. It just should have. So it was a shame that I found Harry more OOC than he should have been, and especially unloveable.
I did really enjoy the part about Harry's nightmares lasting for such a long time. In canon, we never find out how toddler Harry dealt with his parents' deaths, and this shows that it wasn't as quickly forgotten as we could have imagined.
My favourite part about this is McGonagall telling Dumbledore no. It made me so proud of her, because as Dumbledore said: you have to be brave to stand up to your enemies, but even braver to stand up to your friends. I had a huge grin on my face from that.
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