Reviews for My Holiday Academia, A My Hero Academia Christmas Tale
carcinielois238 chapter 10 . 8/23
This was has been an awesome read so far! I must congratulate you in the way you portray the characters, their thoughts and dialogue! It seems accurate and that's a great feat!Not many authors can accomplish that in fanfiction, in their stories the dialogue shared between characters isn't something the characters would say, or in theirs actions do. Their ideas or plot may be exciting but if the characters in the fanfiction don't match the the actual characters and their personalities it's a big factor that is a let makes the story less...enticing.I truly appreciate that you do not have this problem regarding the characters personalities and that your story is smoothly gives me Pokémon vibes, I feel like it's Ash with his friends in another day of adventures! It brings me nostalgia and I really like it.I like the way you are narrating this story.I will wait for your return! I am eager to see how this story unravels!I'm a fan of this story and your writing!Keep at it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/14
str8 ships are lame
KahunaLagoona chapter 10 . 6/20
Oh. Izuku used her actual first name - that's cute, I wonder how it will go from there?

Yes, that's all you're getting from me on this Bloo. I wish I can give a bit of a more in-depth review and such but honestly, I'm kinda really only sticking around for the Green Tea and I'm focusing mostly on that and that alone.

What can I say? OTP is OTP - in this fandom at least.
Blazing Fire Star Kid 01 chapter 10 . 6/16
You nearly gave me a heart attack with that snowball fight!
ThePrizedWAAH chapter 9 . 5/27
KittyMelloGirl chapter 9 . 11/27/2019
Hi? Any updates coming along sometime?
KahunaLagoona chapter 9 . 6/30/2019
Hey, regardless of the wait the outcome has been awesome - Thanks for sharing Bloo.

When I get back from AX next week I'll give this a mention in the weekly shipping thread on Reddit, hopefully more people will read it and give it good reviews!

And haha something tells me Mina may have rigged who got who...
Tonystark99 chapter 3 . 5/7/2019
can't wait for the next chapter
Guest chapter 8 . 12/23/2018
Hurry. I have nothing to read.
Ringo Chi Chan chapter 8 . 12/3/2018
Aww I’m absolutely in love with this fic
It has all my favorite ships and everyone is in character!
Your writing truly brings me joy 3
KahunaLagoona chapter 8 . 12/2/2018
Well hey, at least it's just in time for Christmas... Ha ha...

Man, memories, I remember you talking about this story and asking for ideas about it, those were happier times. I feel bad I didn't support you as much, still do.

And that Aoyama, is he planning a Mistletoe thing as well? Or will it be Mineta desperate for a kiss and the result might bring our star-crossed lovers together? Who knows, well except you - you know.

I look forward to the next chapter! Keep on writing!
Newage416 chapter 5 . 11/27/2018
With the holiday itself coming up, I'm glad that I was online to find this when I did. I'm liking this a lot so far!
PokeKing Charizard chapter 8 . 11/27/2018
Yay! I really like this story, and how appropriate is it that you do some work on it as we approach Christmas itself. Looking forward to the next chapter! Cheers!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/14/2018
Where new chapter?

But in all seriousness nice job and this is one of the few story's I will be waiting to see how it devolps

10/10 amazing work
gyamo chapter 1 . 7/24/2018
I’ve been trying to find the link to the server for a long time if anybody here has it could they give it to me?
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