Reviews for Shining among Darkness
Shian1998 chapter 33 . 8/4
Another great chapter! Felt bad for Cole during that flashback with the ghost of his mother, particularly when they mentioned how alone he was. Glad he came around to realise that, as painful as it was, he needed to let her go and move forward.

Good that Cole and Matilda discussed their session with Samara and what they should do about it. Kind of frustrated with Matilda for her continued stubbornness with denying the existence of monsters. What will it take for her to accept the truth? Relieved though that she's working to be more civil and is apologetic of her previous behaviour. Good that these two have at least decided on a course of action, and hoping their visit to Samara's birth mother provides results and gets Matilda to believe Cole and Eleven's claims.

What the hell was that creature that attacked Cole?! Glad he's okay and successfully fought it off. Liked that his mother arrived in time to warn him of the monster's threat, and curious about her warning of how dangerous this case truly is. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. :)

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 32 . 7/1
Another excellent chapter! Enjoyed the conversation between Matilda and Carrie. Liked how Matilda saw the anger that Carrie had buried beneath the surface. Loved how she told the girl to call her if she ever felt trapped and that she'd be there for her, though also felt bad for them for that given that It clearly didn't work out in the end. Wonder if Carrie did try to call her for help before she snapped; if she did, then Matilda would have even more reason to feel like she failed Carrie.

Glad Matilda's seen the state that Dr. Scott is now in. Curious to find out what actually happened to him and what he'll do. Loved the part when Matilda and Cole communicated with the monster within Samara. The monster's threat to Cole was chilling. Feel bad for Samara for going through that. Looking forward to finding out how Cole and Matilda will respond to this, and whether Samara can be helped. Hope this is enough evidence for Matilda to accept the truth of the existence of monsters.

Excellent chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 31 . 6/9
Another great chapter! Liked Damien's confrontation with Ann. Ann seems to be disturbingly fanatical about her cause. And Damien's attempts to locate and capture Shining kids were prompted by his revelation from Abra. Curious to know more about James and his role in the story, and whether he'll help Esther with bringing Lily in and capturing Samara.

Enjoyed El's part here. Glad she eventually managed to get a glimpse of Abra. Hope she'll be able to establish contact somehow, and to convince Abra she doesn't mean harm and just wants to know about Damien. Also liked how Eleven named her daughter Terry, after her mother.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!

Also, have you seen the Netflix series I Am Not Okay With This, which released its first season last February? If you haven't, I recommend giving it a try, as I enjoyed it and it got pretty good reviews. It's a short series to watch; only seven episodes, each of which is roughly 20-something minutes. It's from the producers of Stranger Things and director of The End Of The F***ing World, and tone/theme-wise has been described as a combination of those shows. It's about a teenage girl (played by Sophia Lillis; aka Beverly from It 2017-19), who's going through problems at school and home when she starts to develop telekinetic abilities that she struggles to control.
If you did like the show, I could also see it fitting quite well into this crossover universe. Not saying that you have to or anything. I don't know how detailed your plan for the rest of the story is (and I know the Spanish version is much further ahead). If you can't add it to the story or you don't want to, that's completely fine, no pressure. Just throwing the idea out there.
Shian1998 chapter 30 . 5/24
Another great chapter! Enjoyed the rest of this interaction between Abra and Damien, and when they discussed what abilities they had. I'm guessing Abra revealing the existence of more people with the Shining is what led to Damien's attempts to kidnap the kids. Loved the way you described Abra's horror when she realised what Damien was. Felt bad for her then, and glad she managed to escape.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 29 . 5/7
Another good chapter! Poor Eleven; despite not having to actually leave her house for any of it, she's had a really busy and exhausting day, having to mentally fight Damien to save Matilda, send Cole to help her and Cody get out of trouble, talk the three into settling their differences and discussing the situation, then get Monica to start investigating Abra. All the characters seem to have really been put through the wringer over the course of the day. Hope they all get a chance to rest before more action happens.

Quite enjoyed El's section of this chapter. Loved how she talked to Mike about what happened. Curious to know how he and the other Stranger Things characters will get involved when that time comes. Was interested by the mention of them having a daughter. Liked that she's trying to search for Abra, both with her powers and with Monica's investigation. Hope she'll be alright.

Enjoyed the flashback to the meeting between Damien and Abra. I haven't read or watched Doctor Sleep yet, so I don't know what her personality is like, but based of a quick google search I know she has psychic abilities and is the niece of Danny Torrance and granddaughter of Jack Torrance. Curious to see what her role in this story will be.

Good chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 28 . 4/19
Another good chapter! Liked this insight into Cody's backstory and personal life. Can definitely understand why people like Cody and the others with the shining would have difficulties creating relationships with those who are unaware of the existence of these kinds of abilities. At least Eleven doesn't have to worry about that with Mike. Hope things can work out with Cody and Lisa, but that would probably only happen if he explains everything to her and finds a way to make her believe him. Like Cole said, a long lasting and stable relationship can only work if they are completely honest with one another.

Good chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 27 . 4/13
Another great chapter! Loved this one. Really glad that all these conversations took place here, and happy that so many things that needed to be said have now done so. Glad Matilda and Eleven resolved their differences, and that Matilda apologised for her behaviour and Eleven reassured her that she didn't do anything wrong with Carrie or Samara. Also happy that Eleven told her about her experiences with monsters from other dimensions, and relieved that even if Matilda's still reluctant to believe it, she's at least opening her mind to the possibility.

Glad that the four of them all talked, and that they've taken their first step to reconciling their differences (particularly Matilda and Cole) and becoming a proper team. Also liked that Eleven reminded the three that Samara is their priority. Hoping that Eleven herself will continue finding a way to deal with Damien, Leena and Lily. Good that Eleven at least told Cole about how powerful Damien is, so that at least he knows how serious the situation is.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 26 . 4/8
Another great chapter! Glad Matilda had discovered Margaret's abusive nature, and that she told Eleven, though unfortunate that that incident resulted in Carrie getting hurt. Liked the moment when Matilda revealed her own powers to Carrie, and when she offered to give Carrie a job while helping her. Feeling bad for both of them for how that ended. Loved that in the present Eleven called Matilda after finding out about the earlier incident and her continued feeling of guilt. Hope El is able to help Matilda feel better, and to start working with Cole and Cody.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 25 . 4/3
Another great chapter! Loved this flashback to Matilda beginning to work as an active member of the Foundation and her first meeting with Carrie White. Loved how Carrie had, despite the abuse she faced daily, worked up the courage to find Matilda and talk to her about her powers. Liked how Matilda explained all this to Carrie. Good that Matilda told Eleven how this went, and that she managed to get more information on Carrie. Really looking forward to seeing more of these flashbacks and and learning more about Matilda's relationship with Carrie.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 24 . 3/23
Another good chapter! Good that Matilda had her hand treated, and that Samara has moved to another room and has managed to calm enough to sleep. Good that Matilda brought Cody and Cole up to speed with everything she knows about Samara, and hoping the three of them will be able to help the girl. First, Matilda really needs to sort out her issues there. Kinda glad Cody and Cole confronted her about her behaviour and attitude, and really hope she comes to see that they are there to help and should be trusted, and that the demon is real. Felt bad for Matilda for how she's still not over what happened with Carrie, but really hope she comes to terms with it and stops letting it interfere with her treatment of Samara.

Good chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 23 . 2/3
Another good chapter! Enjoyed this interaction between Esther and Lily, and looking forward to seeing how these monsters' story arcs will continue to develop. Liked when Esther described her backstory to Lily. Once again, I'm curious to know who or what actually saved Esther from dying. Wonder how their attempt to take Samara will go.

Good chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 22 . 1/27
Another excellent chapter! Really enjoyed this one! Glad these three managed to get to Eola quickly, and relieved that Matilda succeeded in getting through to Samara. Also really loved the parallels you showed between Eleven calming the young Matilda and Matilda calming Samara. Liked when Cole thought about the way Matilda and Eleven were similar and why she was considered Eleven's favourite. Glad Samara opened up about what she saw, and hope the three will be able to help her.

Excellent chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 21 . 1/21
Another good chapter! Felt bad for young Matilda when she was losing control of her powers, as well as when she was being bullied by the other students. Really don't like bullies, especially when it's a group of older bullies targeting a younger victim like this. Liked that Cole explained his abilities and some of his history to Cody and Matilda. Really hope that Matilda sorts out her issues and stops being hostile towards her allies, and that she learns to start trusting Cole. Glad that Dr. Johnson called Matilda and told her about Samara, and that all three are going there now. Felt bad for Matilda again when she got reminded of Carrie again.

Good chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 20 . 1/14
Another great chapter! Glad that Wayne seems to believe Matilda, Cody and Cole about what's been happening. Wish they could've explained it to him then, as he could probably be a useful ally to them, but it makes sense that they should leave before Vazquez tries to charge them with something. Good that Matilda at least gave Wayne that warning.

Happy to get an update on what's happening at Eola Psychiatric Hospital, as it's been several chapters since we last saw them. What did Samara do to Dr. Scott? I find it hard to be sympathetic towards him, do to how cruel he is, but that's disturbing. Though I did find it funny when he told Dr. Johnson to be a good boy. Wonder what will happen to him.

Feeling really bad for Samara there, with her being trapped in that nightmare. Wonder what it all means, and how it's spreading into the actual hospital. Hoping Samara will be okay, and worrying about what Dr. Johnson is planning to do.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
Shian1998 chapter 19 . 1/8
Another great chapter! Good that Cole was able to speak to the deceased Butch, and that they managed to discover Leena's identity and history. Glad they've passed on the information to Vazquez, Wayne and Malone, and that the officers at least believe them about that. Hope Wayne believes them about some people having supernatural powers now. Interesting that Vazquez and Malone saw the footage of Matilda restraining Esther and getting attacked; wondering what they'll do with that information. Worried about Vazquez, as his anger is out of control and he's lashing out at everyone and not listening to reason.

Great chapter! Looking forward to the next one!
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