Reviews for ME STO fanfiction
Exturiel chapter 5 . 8/23/2019
Never mind the standard shields on a starship, the navigational deflector alone would render most ME weapons moot. They fly around at full impulse without having to worry about micro meteors or debris, and that's at a quarter light speed for their own velocity, never mind the relative speed of oncoming objects.
FORD B chapter 16 . 3/22/2018
Sorry to hear that! Hope ye get it back soon and whoever did it gets justice served to them.
FORD B chapter 15 . 2/21/2018
Great read and crossover!
Guest chapter 5 . 2/16/2018
Right, let's debunk this nonsense.

Chapter 1:
The Codex (aka the highest level of canon for Mass Effect) specifically states that kinetic barriers do "not protect against extremes of temperature, toxins, or radiation." Emphasis on the words "kinetic" and "radiation". Hand held phasers/disrupters demonstrated three effects: stun, thermal effects, and disintegration. As none of these effects are consistent with kinetic impacts, the rather obvious conclusion is that if Shepard takes a direct hit by an energy weapon, he's boned. Further evidence of this is the fact the Trek energy weapons produce no visible recoil.

Chapter 2:
In the Next Generation episode "A Fistfull of Datas", Worf was able to modify a combadge to serve as an improvised shield generator that was able to protect against physical objects (albeit for a very limited amount of time). So if Worf could jury rig a person shield generator that was effective against physical objects, then there's no rational reason why trek personal shields should be ineffective against physicals objects.

The reason Starfleet uses the TR-116 against the Borg is because they adapt to energy weapons by changing the frequency of their personal shields to match the frequency of weapon, canceling it out. The TR-116 fire physical bullets that don't have a frequency, and as a result the bullets wear down the Borg shields via brute force. Inelegant, but effective.

It is a testament to this stories lack of quality that the Starfleet officer did not transport out when threatened by Shepard.

Chapter 4:

As I earlier said, the Mass Effect code itself says that barriers provide no protection against energy weapons. By the events of Deep Space Nine, energy weapons have improved to the point that they will go through an unshielded Miranda class cruiser like a hot knife through butter. Torpedoes are even more powerful - a direct hit will destroy the vessel. A ME ship that tries to take on a Trek ship going to be carved up like a rump roast. And what doesn't get carved up is going to be blown to atoms by torpedos. As shown in the Deep Space Nine episode "Starship Down", torpedoes use some of mechanism to "burrow" into the hull, then explode. If you shoot down a torpedo, then you're still going to have to deal with antimatter debris - and no, kinetic barriers do not protect against matter-antimatter annihilation.

As for the physical projectiles, Treks ships have a defense against those: the navigational deflector. Designed to push objects out of the ships' way while traveling at high velocity (and before anybody whines that that only happens at warp speed, I'd like to point out that first, from the starship's frame of reference it is stationary and the debris is moving towards it.

Why doesn't it work against torpedoes? Because torpedoes have their own guidance system and maneuvering thrusters, as we saw in The Undiscovered Country.

In addition, there's also a nice little trick called the Picard Maneuver. As most Trek ships have FTL sensors (as was shown in the TNG episode, "The Wounded", where the Enterprise-D is able to observe a battle in real time while at warp), then it's a simple matter to make a warp jump while your enemy is busy starring at where you used to be.

The technology gap is simple to explain. While the Mass Effect species scavenge their tech from the Promethean ruins, the civilizations in Star Trek actually invented their own stuff.

I'm only four chapters in and this story is a complete train wreck and good example of how not to write a story. It's not just astonishingly ignorant of canon, it's also one of the most mind numbingly boring literary messes I've had to suffer. It is all about telling us about what happens, rather then showing it.

I never thought I would write this, but "Crossover", by RonTheTrueFan is better then this story, and this is coming from someone who thinks that "Crossover" is terrible.
Guy chapter 5 . 1/19/2018
So, I've got to stop on this chapter, ME tech would be child's play to the Star Trek universe. Everything, EVERYTHING is rushed. To the point where it's like a script for a tv show on fast forward. There's no pacing or time for the characters or readers to really process the situation they're in. Also, Shepard and his crew seem to take all of it in stride. The STO crew I could understand, jumping universes happens often enough they've literally got instructions and policies on it. Mass Effect? Not so much, they'd be flipping their shit.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/8/2018
For some strange reason you seem to think ME tech is better than Trek.
Guest chapter 3 . 1/8/2018
Since when do Trek shields not stop projectiles? If that were the case everyone would be using projectiles and no one would use shields.
deksman2 chapter 9 . 11/17/2017
Just to comment in general.
Mass Effect technology would be insanely inferior vs Trek's.
At best, the Thanix canon would be comparable to a Reaper beam which per the Codex produces a yield of up to 450 Kilotons at maximum.
Star Trek ships from Kirk's era were already well into the megaton range for photon torpedoes (64 megtons per torpedo).
The 24th century Photon torpedoes have a yield of about 500 to 900 Megatons (per torpedo) at the start of TNG (Season 1).
By the time of DS9, we were seeing Teraton range weapons... and shields in Trek DO protect from projectiles and kinetic attacks in general.

As for the Dyson Sphere... actually, the Federation could have been building its own Dyson Swarm since before the Federation was founded.
It is actually estimated that Humanity can start constructing its own Dyson Swarm TODAY.
A swarm is more practical than an actual sphere.
Does the same job and the swarm is 1 AU also away from the star, but you don't have to worry about creating an actual sphere/shell and worry about graviational pulls, etc... though in Trek, they could easily install impulse engines and thrusters and stabilize the sphere like that.

For us, it would require pulverizing Mercury using autonomous bots, and it is estimated we can create a large swarm in about 40 years using automation capabilities accessible to us today... with nanotechnology (which is slated to be properly developed by 2030) it would take far less.

And we could have started construction since the 1980-ies as space based solar power was first proposed back then.

The Federation would have a far easier time constructing its own Dyson Swarm, and it could have done so ever since the NX-01 era.
In the 90 years since the end of WWIII for example, Humanity could have subsequently constructed a full Dyson Swarm in SOL, and started new ones in other star systems they were beginning to colonize.

In the 24th century, you just integrate powerful enough replication/transporter systems into each Solar collector station and have them replicate itself exponentially as replicators only need energy to run (they don't need raw matter - that's a common fan theory that was never backed up in Trek).
Ronin Kenshin chapter 12 . 10/20/2017
awesome fic great work not enough of this cross
Rorikjr chapter 11 . 10/19/2017
keep in mind the five years that i left out thats plenty of time for the crew to accept that for now they are stuck shepard may not be an engineer but he recognizes that building a device to get them home safely can take years if not decades to make they only had two black ops before this one now i will explain why the klingons thought that they were starfleet building a station for an attack on qo'nos i am writing a bonus chapter explaining that intelligence gave quinn the intel and he thought it was legit and how the delta got ready
dekuton chapter 11 . 10/19/2017
that. barely made any sense. everything from shepard hitting esd to now has been too quick in my opinion. no real character development. not showing the normandy crew processing where they are and what everything is like. Shepard agreeing to work black ops for a government he knows nothing about and just I guess telling the crew to deal with it? we see nothing of the crews reactions and interactions with their new environment. we see the revelation of dilithium being formed from eezo as a one off non sequitur when it's a pretty heady realization. like with the Dyson sphere a missed oppurtunity. matter if fact everything has been too quick. I enjoy the concept and your fight scenes are pretty damn good in content and description if not in how tech interacts with each other. this STILL has alot of poetential. don't get me wrong. but ya gotta learn better pacing.
dekuton chapter 8 . 10/17/2017
remember for shepard and crew litterally everything they will be seeing is far above their technology level. you may wanna go back at a later date and rewrite their reactions to the Dyson sphere cause that thing is... Holy crap insanely massive. by all rights it SHOULDN'T exist and is only a theoretical thought project today. even when the enterprise first encountered a Dyson sphere they were stupidly shocked by it. almost destroyed the enterprise too since the star in a Dyson sphere is a true actual star and had the gravitational pull to match. it's only not a danger now cause they know how to deal with it.
also I get rorick being hands on but a bad case of infodump. can't help but feel he's an exposition piece. plus his lack of professionalism barely gets a pass from me personally cause I know that the sto player character actively ascended the ranks at an almost ridiculous accelerated rate. but not everybody played hours and hours of sto to recognize that however.
also starfleet even tho federation is military organization during quite a bit of conflict. I doubt they would authorize him to take a leave of absence that long. specially when you consider that starfleet tends to allow whole families on the cruisers and larger class ships. like the enterprise of next generation. I'd say a quarter to half the crew had kids.
Golden Nova chapter 7 . 10/14/2017
Dyson sphere are a LOOOOOOOT bigger than planets. They have a diameter of 1 astronomical unit. 1 AU is the distance between the sun and earth, yeah a lot larger than a planet. So the reaction of Shepard and others is a bit underwhelming.
dekuton chapter 7 . 10/14/2017
good chapter. progressing nicely. but over all. this looks to be decent
Golden Nova chapter 6 . 10/10/2017
Again u are making ME technology faaaaaaar more stronger than it is. The thanix cannon, it is a pea shooter compared to the omega Kinetic Cutting beam, that thing can carve out entire landmasses to transport of people. So please consider those. Also ME drive can only do 20 light years in a day before needing to discharge unlike warp drive which can go as long as I has fuel. So no the Normandy is in deep guacamole .
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